21 - 21st Century Liability

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A/N This title worked out perfectly. That wasn't planned. nice. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them 


"I'm such a fucking hypocrite" 


"Is it safe?" 

"What the fuck happened to you two?" 

*Recap Over*

-Kellin's POV- 

If you want the truth. Dylan was back, he managed to track us down from warped tour and we beat him to shreds, literally. We weren't sure if we were going to tell anyone that though. 

"Kellin. What the fuck happened?" Alexia asked again and that's when Seb, Larisa, Andy, and Rem came back. 

"Holy shit Kellin. Who'd you beat up?" Rem asked and we all giggled a little before becoming serious again. "Do you want the truth? It might be mentally easier for me to lie" I stated. 

"Of course I want the truth! You're hurt!" Alexia shouted. Vic and I just stood in shock and I looked over to him for an answer. 

-Vic's POV- 

Kellin looked over at me like he was expecting me to say something. So I did. 

"Remember the kid that attacked Rem? He's here, in Los Angeles, I don't know how or why, but he stopped us on our walk back here and tried to beat the shit out of us, so we fought back. Kinda beat the kid senseless" Everyone looked shocked, except Alexia, she looked horrified. "Dylan. His name is Dylan. He's 16, and 5'11. He attacked Rem. I remember seeing him roaming around, but I also remember him leaving after Jenny had come back to the bus. Is he alive?" Alexia spoke quickly. "He's unconscious right now, but that won't last forever" I stated, and her eyes lit up. 

"Perfect, call the police now, by the time he wakes up they'll be at the site to arrest him, thank you boys. You saved me, literally. Now go take shower, both of you. I'll handle this" I giggled and Rem got on the phone with the police. 

-Alexia's POV- 

"Hi, yes. My name is Remington Leith Kropp, I was attacked just a few night ago by a 16 year old male by the name of Dylan. He showed up here earlier today and attacked my nieces boyfriends as well. He's well unconscious by my house-" 

I heard Rem talking to the officer and giggled a little knowing that Dylan was finally going to get what he deserved. 

Both Kellin and Vic jumped out of the shower and were downstairs with everyone when the cops got to our house. Kellin opened the door and panicked a little. "are you Remington?" The cop said to Kellin and Rem popped up from the couch, "Nope. That's me, this is Kellin. One of my nieces boyfriends" the officer nodded. "Okay, and I take it that these two are who knocked him unconscious?" the officer stated pointing to Vic and Kellin. "Yes sir, that was us" Vic stated. 

"Great. Take me to where you left him?" The officer asked and they walked him down the street where Dylan still lay unconscious I watched as the officer shook Dylan to wake him up. 

-Kellin's POV- 

I was shaking as we walked to where we left him. I thought I was going to get arrested. 

"Boys, you did the right thing by knocking him unconscious until we got here. You boys aren't in any trouble I promise" the officer stated and I calmed down as he shook Dylan awake. Dylan's eyes fluttered open and the officer spoke. "LAPD. You're under arrest Dylan" 

Dylan sat up and spoke "under arrest for what?" he said snappily "Attacking multiple people to the point where they were covered in blood" the officer said as he put the cuffs around Dylan's wrist, he didn't fight it, but I didn't question it. On the way back to his car the officer turned to us. "good work today, you saved a lot of lives. Now go protest those girls, they need you" 

We both smiled and walked back to the house. 

-Shay's POV- 

The boys walked back into the house and I jumped into Vic's arms. "I thought you guys were going to get arrested" I said. "So did we, but the officer said that what we did was the right thing to do, and that he was impressed with us, so here we are. Not getting arrested" Kellin said as he giggled and hugged Alexia close. 

I seriously thought they were going to get arrested. I'm really glad they didn't though. Next thing I knew Kellin had pulled Alexia into the kitchen and they were talking. 

-Alexia's POV-

"I'm gonna be honest, I thought we were going to get arrested for what we did. But instead he told us that we needed to protect you guys." Kellin stated as I hugged him close. 

"I know, I know. you wanna protect me." I stated as I giggled. "I really do princess. I thought about staying her for a few days to make sure he doesn't come back" 

Kellin said that and my heart dropped. "Have you talked to my parents about this?" I asked nd he nodded "They're the ones who suggested it, actually" I nodded and kissed his nose "okay. come on, let's go hangout. I wanna talk about something" I stated as we walked back out into the living room and sat down on the couch. 

"So, I wanted to talk to all of you, more specifically my parents and my uncles, about finally getting into the studio to record" I smiled and Rem jumped up. "We actually have a session booked for you already, tomorrow at 2pm" he stated and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe I was actually going in to professionally record all of my songs. "thank you so so much. I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys" 

I was going to be completely official now. And within the next few moths I'd have my first EP out all over the world. wow. 

A/N This was an interesting chapter to write that's for sure. I know that what Dylan did isn't an actual reason to arrest him (or at least I don't think so) but let's just go with it. Yeah? okay cool. 

Song: 21st Century Liability - YUNGBLUD 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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