23 - Hope For The Underrated Youth

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A/N I'm on another motivation wave. I'm watching a CrankThatFrank twitch stream as I write this and it's giving me life. This chapter is gonna be a little bit depressing, but not bad. I hope you guys enjoy this. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Alexia's POV-

A few months had passed at this point and the boys were getting ready to go on their first headline tour. I had finally released my first full album titled 'Blue Hour' and had another single out called 'Water Me Down' I haven't played any shows since warped tour and the boys asked me to open for them on this tour. I was excited.

I had major news for them though. I was horrified to tell them, but I knew I had to.

I was laying in my bed just thinking when Emerson came in and sat on my bed. "Hey pumpkin, it's almost 2pm. You alright?" I sat up and looked at him slightly sadly. "Yes and no. I have something I need to tell everyone" he nodded and we both got up and headed downstairs where everyone was hanging out.

"Guys, I need to tell you guys some stuff" I stated as I reached the bottom of the stairs and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me. "So, there's good and bad news. Good news, is I got signed to a record label!" everyone cheered and I got a few hugs. "But the bad news... they want me to move... and they won't tell me to where yet"

Everyone went quiet and I could see Emerson starting to tear up so I went and sat next to him. "Hey, it's okay. Come on, let's go upstairs I wanna talk to you" He nodded and we walked back upstairs after I told everyone I'd be back in a few minutes.

Once we got up to my room we sat down on my bed and I laid in Emerson's lap "What's going on, dad? I can see that you're upset" He looked down at his arms and then down at me. "I just got you, and now you're moving. I'm just gonna miss you is all." I sat up and hugged him close. "I know. But I'm sure they're not gonna move me far.... and I'm still gonna tour with you guys. I promise" He nodded and held me tight.

"Hey, is everything okay in here?" It was Shy. "Yeah, everything's alright mom, I got it handled"

"I- you... did you just call me mom?"

I did didn't I?

"I suppose I did. I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I" I asked, my breath shaky. "of course not kiddo. Never. I love you. Come get me if you need anything okay?" I smiled "okay."

Emerson got up and left the room, he still seemed sad, but at this point I wasn't sure what else to do.

-Time skip to the next day-

-Emerson's POV-


That was it. I couldn't handle anymore. First Shy, then Dylan, then dealing with my brother calling off his engagement. and now this. I felt like such a hypocrite. I looked dow at my arms and saw the remnants of the marks I had left before and reached for the blade when Remington walked into the room.

"Emerson! No!" He shouted and I just shrugged before placing the tip of the blade to my wrist. I dragged it across my wrist a few times before hearing Remington get up to make a phone call.

-Remington's POV-

Remington Sebastian


Why'd you call me? I'm right downstairs

Because I'm not leaving this room. Get up here. Shy and Alexia too

What's going on?

j-just come u-up here. I-it's E-emmy

Rem, you're crying. Is he okay?

N-no. P-please just c-come up here

Okay. We're coming

*call ended*

I walked back over to Emerson to find his arm covered in blood and tears streaming down his face. "Emmy, why?" He looked up at me sadly. "This is the only way. Rem, she wants to leave, I'm not good enough" "Emmy, no. Of course you're good enough. Don't think like that. no no." He looked up and smiled. "Remmi, I'm sleepy"

no no no no no

"I know, but you gotta stay awake for me okay?" he nodded as his eyes started to close "no no, Emmy, stay awake. Sebastian! Hurry!" I screamed from my spot in the room and about a minute later Sebastian, Shy, and Alexia appeared in the doorway.

-Alexia's POV-

I walked into what looked like a murder scene... but.. self inflicted. I dropped to the ground sobbing and Shy knelt down beside me. "Come here sweetheart, it's okay. Somebody get him help! now!" I was shaking in her arms "mama.. I-is he gonna be o-okay?" I asked her through my tears. "Only time will tell babygirl. Only time will tell. Come on, we're gonna go downstairs and call Kellin okay?" I nodded softly before following her down the stairs.

"Alexia honey wha-" She was cut off by paramedics coming into the house. "oh, sweetheart, come here" I made my way over to her and sat next to her as Shy called Kellin

Shy Kellin


Hey Shy, everything okay?

She needs you, I'll explain more when you get here, it's a lot

I'll there in five minutes tops

thank you

*call ended*

-Kellin's POV-

I got the call from Shy and rushed out the door. I ran over to their house and as I approached I saw paramedics loading Emerson into an ambulance. I rushed into the house.

As soon as I got into the house Alexia was in my arms. "Princess... I'm so sorry. It's okay, I'm here. Can you go sit with Larisa while I talk to your mom quick?" She nodded and walked back over to where she came from.

Shy brought me into the kitchen.

"I saw them putting him into an ambulance. What the fuck happened?" I asked her and she looked down at the floor like she was about to cry. "He uh... he tried to commit. Not really sure why though" She said as her eyes started to water. I pulled her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry... is he gonna be okay?" She looked up again. "Only time will tell." I just sat there, not really knowing what to say.

"Also, don't tell Alexia about this, but her label called this morning"

A/N OUHHHH A cliffhanger. I'm so sorry for this entire chapter, but it'll all make sense. I promise.

Song: Hope For The Underrated Youth - YUNGBLUD

As always, leave suggestions.

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