33- Nervous

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A/N The first like half of this chapter was actually supposed to be in the last chapter but I couldn't make it fit. So here we are. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Alexia's POV- 

Kellin and I finally chose a date for our wedding. December 10th. But here's the catch. Vic and Shay were getting married on the 15th. Oh yeah, they're getting married, in case you didn't already guess. 

The whole planning process has taken a lot out of me, but it was almost over, thank god. I was going to look at dresses with Shy today. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. 

-At the dress place- 

We walked up to the counter and the lady looked at me funny. "What's the last name for the appointment?" I smiled and spoke confidently. "Quinn, that's me" She gave me a dirty look. "Aren't you a little young to be getting married? Let me see your ID" This is when Shy stepped in. 

"Hey. woah. This is my daughter, and her father and I gave her consent to get married this young, that's none of your business anyways. Come on kiddo, let's go find you a dress" 

We walked away from the desk and towards the dresses, I found a few that I really liked and I tried them on. 

"Okay, so do you want my honest opinion?" Shy asked me and I nodded. She spoke again, 'I didn't like any of them, but I want you to try this one on and see if you like it" I nodded again and grabbed the dress from her. 

I couldn't disagree with her, I liked the dresses before I tried them on, but once they were on I felt insecure and I hated them. 

The dress that Shy picked out was strapless and was shorter in the front and longer in the back. It was really pretty, but I remembered that I had to try it on before I could make a decision. 

I slid the dress on and it fit like a glove. The neckline of the dress was perfect, and it fit tight around my waist like I wanted. It went to right below my knees in the front, and dragged on the ground in the back, so I wouldn't trip while I was walking. This dress was perfect. 

I walked out of the dressing room and Shy's eyes lit up. 

"I think this one's the one mama" 

I smiled as she went to pay for the dress. We wouldn't be picking it up till later, but it was safer to buy it now so it was still here. 

-Kellin's POV- 

I was so stressed out. I was having the same thoughts Emerson had before him and Shy's wedding. I was afraid that it was going to be too much, or that I wasn't going to be good enough. I had no idea what I was doing. All I know is that Alexia is my person, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I was sitting in the living room of Alexia's house (next door to the boys if you forgot) when Emerson came by. 

"Hey Kellin, you seem kinda stressed. What's up?" I looked up and broke down. 'Em, are you sure I'm good enough for her?" I spoke through my tears. Emerson sat down next to me and pulled me close. "Kellin James Quinn, I wouldn't have given you my blessing if you weren't good enough. You're gonna be just fine" I smiled up at him. "Thanks Em, I really needed that" 

And as soon as I said that Alexia came home, she seemed upset. 

"Dad, upstairs, now, please" 

-Alexia's POV- 

Something I didn't tell Shy was that I could've sworn I saw Dylan outside the dress shop, and I panicked. I came home panicked and thank god Emerson was here. 

"Dad, upstairs, now, please" I said before walking up to the room Kellin and I now shared. 

"Pumpkin, hey, what's wrong?" He asked me. I laid in his ap and just started sobbing. "I'm scared. Like really scared. I-i think I saw D-dylan and C-curcio outside the dress s-shop." His eyes went wide. "But Dylan's in jail... how-" "I don't know, but I'm convinced it was him." He just kissed my forehead before looking down at my arms that I had scratched so much to the point they were bleeding. 

"Oh... pumpkin... Kellin can you grab me a wet washcloth from the bathroom please?" He shouted from the bedroom and Kellin returned with the washcloth. "What happen-" He looked down. 'Oh, princess. baby. Oh my god. What happened?" Emerson spoke softly. "She scratched at her arms until they bled. A substitute to the blade." 

Kellin looked sad and disappointed, but he stayed by my side while Emerson cleaned my arms. "Pumpkin. You promised-" "I know, I know. I'm sorry" I said as I started sobbing again. He dried off my arms and grabbed a marker. "come here, let me see" 

I gave him my arms and he started drawing, I calmed down almost immediately and Kellin came and held me. 

"Princess, hey, I love you okay? We're gonna keep you safe" I nodded as he held me close, Emerson still drawing on my arms. 

Apparently I fell asleep like that, cause I woke up with my arms covered in sharpie and Kellin laying next to me with his arms around me. 

What the fuck was happening?? 

A/N CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW WE'RE LESS THAN 200 READS AWAY FROM 1K. WHAT THE FUCK. Okay that's all. Thank you guys for so many reads. It reminds me that I have a reason to keep writing. 

Okay anyways, sorry, I needed to stir the drama pot a little bit so that's the tea on that. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Song: Nervous- Shawn Mendes 

As always, comment suggestions 

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