11- Four Loko

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A/N Hello again humans! I know that updates on this story have been super inconsistent so I apologize. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

We were two weeks into warped tour, Remington ad Sebastian were fighting, I was hanging around Emerson, cause they scared me. and everyone on the bus besides Emerson and I were drinking... more specifically they were drinking Four Lokos (If you don't know what a Four Loko is, it's the equivalent to four or five 12 ounce cans of regular beer.) 

"Sebastian, you fucking bastard" I heard Remington yell from outside the tour bus and held onto Emerson's arm, like I had been at least once every 20 minutes for the last 3 hours. "He's drunk pumpkin, he's not gonna hurt you, I won't let him" 

We had just gotten back from meeting up with Kellin and Vic. Yes, the Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes.  This is warped tour. Anyways, drunk Remington came storming in followed by sober Kellin and Vic, Shay was in her bunk but came out when she heard everyone come in. Emerson kissed the top of my head and stood up. 

"Remington Leith Kropp! Come outside, we need to talk" Emerson yelled down the hall and Rem came stumbling down the hall. I was curled up in a ball on the couch when I felt people sit next to me, one on each side. 

"Hey, you alright? I promise I'm not drunk. I'm underage" it was Kellin. "I'm okay. They're just scary when they're drunk" he wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into him. Then realizing that Shay was here, and she was eyeing Vic like he was candy. I smirked at her, sending her a telepathic go for it he likes you too. She came over to the couch and sat down. Vic automatically pulled her into him. We just sat there for a while until Rem and Emerson came back in.

-Emerson's POV- 

"Rem! You're scaring her! Every single time you guys get drunk, you scare her." I yelled at Remington, something I don't do often. "I'm sorry! I can't control what happens when I'm drunk." This set me off, a lot. 

"You could just stop drinking! Seb too, I'll have this conversation with him when he's sober though, because he's a violent drunk. You need to stop, you're going to ruin your body so quickly, and I don't need you or Seb accidentally hurting someone. I just don't. So promise me now, and I'll make you promise again when you're sober. but promise me now that you're gonna stop." He nodded and I hugged him. 

He was going to apologize when we got back in, but when we got in we found Alexia and Shay cuddling with Kellin and Vic, so we decided to wait till morning. 

-Alexia's POV- 

They came back and Rem looked guilty, rightfully so. Emerson came over and sat across from us. "I'm gonna make him apologize in the morning, but he said he was gonna stop drinking. Also, y'all are cute together. I ship it" We all giggled and I got up. 

"Don't leave yet. I just need to talk to Emerson quick" I said before I walked over to Emerson and pulled him aside. "Everything okay pumpkin?" "Yeah, everything's okay. Are you okay though?" He sighed. "Yeah, I'm just worried is all. Jenny hasn't called yet" I panicked. "Try calling her. It'll make you feel better" he sighed and kissed my forehead "you're right. I will. Also, if you and Kellin don't at least get together I'm suing" I giggled and kissed his forehead before walking back to my spot on the couch. 

We sat and cuddled for a while before they had to go back to their busses for the night. I gave Kellin my phone number and Shay gave Vic hers. It was great. Until I realized..

We hadn't heard any news on Shy that night... Jenny hadn't called, and didn't answer when Emerson called. That scared me, we almost always got an update every day. Even if just to say nothing's changed. 

A/N OUHHHHHHH. I wonder what that was all about. This chapter was super fun to write. I want your opinion on something though 

Should I do something with Rem and Andy? I think I might but I'm not sure. 

I've been asked to address the Curcio situation. I'm not going to go into detail, but he's just not a good person, therefore he will not be mentioned or included anywhere in this story. 

Song: Four Loko- Lil Phag 

stay safe out there and remember that I love you 

As always, comment suggestions 

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