8- Live Like We Want To

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A/N I promise this one isn't going to be nearly as emotionally intense as the last few. no recap for this chapter, I don't think any of us want to relive that. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

I got up at around noon and I could hear all the chatter downstairs. We leave for tour tomorrow, so the boys were all running around like maniacs. "Hey, hey. Can everyone chill for a second, I'd like to spend time with my family before I'm trapped on a tour bus with you guys" The boys sat down and I snuggled up to Emerson. "Hey there, pumpkin. You alright?" he asked as he ran his fingers through my long hair "Yeah, I'm okay." he started to stand up and I looked up at him with those puppy dog eyes that you'd give your parents when you really wanted that candy and they kept telling you no. He waved me over and I followed him into the kitchen where we sat down just him and I.

"so, dad, huh?" He asked me as he giggled a little. "I thought it was a good time.. I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I?" I asked nervously. "Not one bit pumpkin, thank you for trusting me as your father figure. I wouldn't have asked for it any other way." he stood up and pulled a black marker out of his pocket and kneeled down next to me where my arm was dangling. 

"Can I?" I assumed he meant he wanted to draw on me, so I nodded and he continued to add to his drawings from yesterday, he was such an amazing artist. 

"What's happening in here?" I hear a familiar but yet still intimidating voice say. "I'm just drawing on my daughter, Seb. it's okay, she said I could" I heard him sigh. 

"Emmy, you're doing what you do with Rem... was she-?" "Yes, but not anymore, we got it figured out" Emerson cut him off. I was really hoping they weren't gonna start fighting right now.  I already gotta deal with that on the bus. I know, I've seen clips. 

-Time skip to the next day- 

I woke up bright and early to everyone scrambling around like idiots. Someone took Rems eyeliner, Seb can't find his scarf, and em can't find his sketchbook. Casual Kropp things. I went out to the bus with the girls and put my stuff in my chosen bunk, right below Emersons bunk. 

Emerson was my rock. Everyone else had a pretty big part too, but I've looked up to Emerson since I was 8. So it made sense. 

Soon enough the boys got unto the bus, we all said goodbye to Momma Royale and we headed off to the first stop on my first tour. My first concert, my first meet and greet, my first everything would be on this tour. I'm glad they chose to do warped tour. 

A/N Okay, I know. This chapter kinda sucked, and it was a lot shorter, but I needed filler stuff before I got into the tour itself. 

Anyways, as always, leave suggestions. 

Lonely// Adopted By Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now