3- Love The Void

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A/N Okay I lied. I might make all of the chapter names song titles. Probably. Idk. Okay. Enjoy. Comment spelling or grammar mistakes. 


"Mishka! Don't Jump. That's rude" 

"My name is Shaelynn Addison Kropp" 

"We love you so much already" 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" 

*Recap Over* 

I woke up and Emerson was no longer beside me, but there was a note on the desk.

Alexia, we're in the basement, Shy and Jenny are in the living room and Larisa's probably in the kitchen with breakfast, change your cloths and get ready, we're gonna go hangout today. 

xoxo, Emerson

I smiled and went to the closet to pick out some clothes and then went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and do my hair. Once I finished getting ready I walked downstairs to find the girls exactly where Emmy said they would be. 

"Morning kiddo, breakfast is in the kitchen if you're hungry. I'm Jenny, by the way. Remington's girlfriend" she smiled at me and I walked to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Larisa made eggs, toast, and hash browns. A perfect combination. I made my plate and sat down at the table to eat and play on my phone. 

The boys had given me all the phone numbers I would need. I was scrolling through instagram when Emerson texted me. 

Emerson: Jenny isn't too close to you right now, is she?

Alexia: Nope, she's in the living room with Shy and Larisa, why? 

Emerson: We need to go on an emergency shopping trip with Remington, I'll explain more in a minute. Come downstairs? 

Alexia: Yeah, I'll be down in just a minute. 

I finished up my food and placed my dish in the sink before walking down to the basement to see what was going on. I walked in on Emerson and Sebastian trying to calm down a panicky Remington. "Is everything okay?" I asked as they got Rem to sit down on the couch. "yeah, everything's fine. He's just nervous is all. We need to make a trip to the jewelry store" Was all Emerson said before my eyes went wide. "Oh my god is he gonna-" "yes! shhhhhh. We don't want anyone else knowing. We're gonna go with him and then after we can go hangout at the park and get Ice cream, okay?" I nodded and we all walked upstairs to where the girls were. 

Emerson pulled Shy and Larisa aside to tell them what the plan was. They agreed to keep quiet about everything and we left. 

-Time skip cause I don't wanna spoil chapter 4- 

Rem had gotten what he needed and we dropped him off at home to figure everything else out. I grabbed my sketchbook and Emerson and I headed to the park. 

We walked as it was super close, I sat down at a bench and started drawing my surroundings, so just trees, and a school building that was on the other end of the field. Emerson came and sat next to me, and after a while, finally spoke. "You're really good at drawing landscapes. Ever tried drawing a person?" I nodded no. "Would you like me to teach you?" I smiled "Sure" 

We sat on that bench for a good two hours before Emerson looked at the time. "We should probably head back and make sure your uncle isn't having another panic attack" 

We walked back to the house, and when we walked in, everything seemed pretty calm so I headed to my room. I walked in to find Shay sitting in the corner with tear stains on her face. 

She looked up at me and then frowned, as if I was going to be angry or something like that. "Everything okay Shay?" 

she looked up at me once again.

"Can we talk about Sebastian?" 

A/N ouhhh. I wonder what that conversation is gonna be about. 

What do you guys think the jewelry store run was for? 

I hope you guys liked this chapter and as always, leave suggestions. 

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