12- Death Dance

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A/N I forgot to mention in the last chapter that Kellin and Vic's ages are different than what they are in real life. So for the sake of the story, Kellin is 15 (same age as Alexia) and Vic is 16 (same age as shay) Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and as always, comment spelling and grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

We thought Shy was dead, or Emerson did. I had gotten a text from Jenny early this morning saying that she didn't want to call and told me what was going on. I felt a lot better after that, and it helped me keep Emerson calm. Jenny strictly told me not to tell Emerson, but I could tell Rem and Seb, who were both supposed to apologize to me today. 

I had woken up to voices coming from the kitchen. Vic and Shay were laughing about something, and Kellin was just sitting awkwardly on the couch so I sat down next to him, cuddling into his side. "What are they laughing about?" I asked Kellin, who looked as if he hadn't slept in days. He smiled. "Just some meme that Vic found about Remington and McDonalds I think. I don't know." "Hm. Okay. Kellin?" He set down his phone and looked at me. "Yes?" "Are you okay?" He sighed. "Yeah, I'm okay. The band has been blowing up my phone all morning though. Just being assholes as per usual" "Oh.. Okay. Get up for a second, I wanna tell you something important" 

He perked up. "I actually also have something I wanted to ask you, so okay." We walked back towards the bunks so Shay and Vic wouldn't eavesdrop. "You first" Kellin stated, almost as if he wasn't ready, but I wasn't gonna question it. "Okay, so..." I rambled on for a good 5 minutes about what Jenny had told me and then took a deep breath. "Okay, so I'm not supposed to tell Emerson this?" he asked me, giggling slightly. "Right. Don't tell Emerson. Now, what'd you wanna ask me?"

He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand. "I know we only have a couple months of tour, but I talked to Emerson, and found out that we live in the same state. So this won't be an issue. I've been waiting for a while to ask you this, but.. do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I was in shock, but I said yes, of course. he pulled me into a hug and we cuddled until he had to leave to play his set. 

-Time skip a few days, it is now Friday right before Palaye's set- 

Today was the day. The day of the surprise. For the last three days Emerson has been under the impression that Shy was still in a coma. We were hoping to keep it that way until after their set. Jenny texted me this morning to let me know that the plan was still on schedule and I could breathe. It was now 20 minutes before their set started and Jenny hadn't texted. 

About 10 minutes later Jenny texted saying that they were there, and needed to be let onto the bus. They boys were setting up for their set, so they wouldn't know. 

About halfway through their set we head down to the stage they were performing at, and I showed my backstage pass to get everyone in. I was so nervous. As far as we knew, Emerson was still under the impression that she was in the hospital. Shy's shorter than me, so when they started playing their last song, I had her hide behind me. 

The boys walked off the stage and Rem and Seb said hi to Jenny and Larisa and then they all came and stood in front of me, Kellin, Vic and Shay at my sides. 

"Dad, I got you a present" I said as my eyes started to water and Shy stepped out from behind me. 

"Shy!" Emerson shouted as he ran into her arms. They were so perfect for each other. and it was beautiful. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she started talking. 

"So, what'd I miss?" She asked and Emerson giggled a little 

"A lot, but lets start with the fact that you're daughter got a boyfriend" 

A/N I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I had so much fun writing it. 

Song: Death Dance- Palaye Royale

As always, comment suggestions 

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