37- Heavy Heart

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A/N This chapter is gonna be kinda wholesome, kinda sad. The initial title for this just seemed too sad, so I changed it. Anyways. We are now 3 chapters away from the end. like wut? But don't worry. More stories are on their way. I promise. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Sebastian's POV- 

It was time to tell them. We'd be touring for about 3 months, the first month and a half with Manson, and the second half with Sleeping With Sirens. We weren't telling the girls that We'd be touring with Sleeping with Sirens though, as Kellin was going to come and surprise Alexia. Today was the day we were telling Alexia when we were leaving. 

We were leaving in 4 days. 

I walked downstairs into the living room where I found Remington, Emerson, Shy, Andy, Larisa, Vic, Shay, Alexia, and Kellin. 

"Oh good, everyone's here" I spoke and then became slightly nervous. 

"So, we're going on tour again." I spoke again and everyone cheered, Alexia looked at Kellin sadly and then back at me. "When do we leave?" She asked quietly. "4 days, and we'll be gone for 3 months" I spoke.  I knew she was upset, but she didn't know that Kellin was meeting us halfway, and we were to keep it that way until he met up with us in Atlanta. 

"Okay" She spoke again cuddling into Kellin. Kellin shot me a look that said it's gonna be a long month and a half and I lightly nodded back in response

-Time skip to the day they leave for tour- 

-Kellin's POV- 

Alexia left for tour today. I was sad, but I knew that I'd see her in a little over a month. The bus arrived in front of the house and I waked her out. 

"I'm gonna miss you" She said as she hugged me close. "I know princess, I'm gonna miss you too, but it's only a few months. It'll be okay" She smiled and we kissed before she walked onto the bus. 

This was gonna be a long month and a half

-Alexia's POV- 

-A week into tour- 

We were a week into tour and I had finally debuted Blue Hour live, but I had one problem. I was always nauseous. Always. I couldn't quite figure out why, so I just pushed it aside like it was nothing and moved on. 

I was sitting in my bunk editing photos that had been taken of me and Kellin and I felt my breathing get heavy and by the second it was becoming harder to breathe. 

Fun fact about me, I have really bad separation anxiety. So when I miss someone a lot, or get super attached to someone I have really bad anxiety when they're not around. 

I assumed that this attack was caused by that. My breathing hitched and it continued to become harder to breathe. In the midst of it all apparently I had started crying because by the time I had settled down and could breathe again, Emerson was in my bunk with me, holding me close.

"Hey there pumpkin, you alright?" He asked softly and I smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay now. I was just editing some old photos and my separation anxiety kicked in" He smiled and held me close. "I get it. You gonna be okay?" I just giggled a little. "Yeah, I'll be okay" 

-A month into tour- 

I was panicking. I had starting noticing that I had really weird cravings, loss of appetite, and I was nauseous, and I was starting to get fat. 

Signs of pregnancy.... fuck. 

-Kellin's POV- 

I was sitting at home looking through old photos of Alexia and I when I really started to miss her. I texted the band group chat. 

Kellin: I'm going early. Meet us in Atlanta. 

I booked a flight to Orlando, where I'd be meeting them 15 days before I was supposed to. I texted Rem so he knew the plan. 

Kellin: I miss her like crazy, I'm gonna meet you guys in Orlando and the rest of the band will met us in Atlanta as planned. 

Remington: Okay, sounds good. Alexia misses you like crazy. 

I packed a separate bag for the extra 15 days and sat back down on the couch. 

-Alexia's POV- 

-Palaye's set in Orlando- 

I was waiting to go on when I had a sudden craving for Nutella. I pushed it aside until after my set. 

"And now, what you've all been waiting for. Palaye Royale!" 

I walked off of the stage and back to the bus. I had talked to Emerson about getting me a pregnancy test and he did, so I decided now would be a good time to take it. 

While I was waiting I heard the door to the bus open. "Anyone here?" 

I heard the familiar voice and panicked, choosing not to say anything. 

I left the bathroom door unlocked on accident, but I was too panicked to lock it so I just waited. 

"Ah! Someone is here! What are you-" He spoke and I cut him off. "We'll talk about that later, what the hell are you doing here?" 

"I missed you" He spoke as he went to hug me. he held me there for a little while and then pulled away abruptly. 

"Alexia.. you're-" 

"Surprise" I cut him off once again becoming nervous. He hugged me close again and I felt a tear hit my shirt. 

 "I'm gonna be a dad" he spoke softly through his tears. 

"You're gonna be a great dad, don't you doubt it okay? And don't tell anyone else yet. I wanna do it" I spoke once again. 

"Okay.. I love you" I started to tear up and hugged him closer, if that was even possible. "I love you too, now let's get down tp the Palaye set before they notice I'm gone" 

A/N WOWIEEE How we feeling? It's kinda happy, kinda sad, kinda chaotic. But I hope you guys enjoyed this. 

Song: Heavy Heart- Mothica 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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