28- I Think I'm OKAY

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A/N The last chapter was sad, I know. This one will be a little bit better, I promise.

-Vic's POV-

I woke up in a hospital with a nurse at my side, I tapped her arm. "What happened?" I asked her as calmly as possible. She smiled sadly. "You tried to kill yourself. You're just on watch right now. You can go home in a few days" so I was alive? But I though I had succeeded. Oh well, at least I could see my friends. "Can I call my friends?" I asked her and she smiled. "Sure, your cell phone is right over there, someone brought it by while you were sleeping" I smiled and got up to grab my phone.

I sat back down and looked through my notifications

1 text from Shay ❤️
Hey, I brought you your phone for when you wake up, if you wake up. I love you

1 text from Small Fry🥺
Hey Vic. Call as soon as you see this. I need your help picking a dress. I love you

1 text from Jack✨
Hey man. I really hope you wake up. We miss you like hell

1 text from Kellin💐🌹
Hey Vic. I miss you, Shay misses you, Alexia misses you. Please come back.

I saw all of those messages and almost started crying, then remembered I needed to call. I called Alexia, knowing she'd answer.

-Alexia's POV-

I was sitting on the couch watching movies with Kellin and Shay to pass the time when my phone started ringing

Incoming Call from Vic🥺

"Guys, guys, guys. Look at this!" I shouted and Kellin told me to answer it.

Vic   Alexia

Vic! Oh my god you're alive

Yeah, I am. How did you save me?

Emerson came and picked the lock while we called the ambulance. It's complicated. I'm just glad you're alive. Kellin and Shay are here, can I put you on speaker?

Yeah, of course.

I put the call on speaker

Kellin  Alexia   Vic Shay

I thought you died!

I know, I know. I'm sorry

Why did you do it?

Yeah, why?

We'll talk about that when I get home, how are you guys? Really?

Better now that you're alive. When can we see you?

I'm not sure. I'll have to ask, but I'll let you know as soon as I know. I gotta eat though, I'll text you guys. I love you.

I love you too

*call ended*

After the call ended we all just sat together and cried tears of joy. Next thing I knew Emerson was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, is everything alright? You're all crying" he asked and I giggled. "Everything's great dad, Vic just called. He's alive" Emerson's eyes lit up "oh thank god. I need him to help me pick out an outfit for mine and Shy's wedding. I'm stumped" we all giggled and just sat together on the couch.

-A few days later-

-Shay's POV-

Today was the day. The first time we get to see Vic since the incident. He could come home at the end of next week, but this was good enough for now.

"Shay come on! We're leaving!" Alexia shouted from the base of the stairs. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I shouted back.

I ran down the stairs and into Alexia's car, checking my phone for the first time that day.

1 text from Vic❤️
I can't wait to see you. I love you bunches🥺🥺❤️

I decided not to answer it, knowing that the hospital was really close.

We sat in silence throughout the entirety of the drive. I was so excited that I was slightly nauseous

We arrived at the hospital and we all practically ran into the building.

"Hi, we're here to see Victor Fuentes" Alexia said to the last at the desk. "Room 121, right down the hall" we all thanked her and walked down the hall and stopped at the door. Taking a deep breath before we walked in.

I walked in first and was greeted with open arms. I ran and gave Vic a huge hug, not caring about anything else that was happening

"Hey there love" he looked up before speaking again. "Get over here you two. I want hugs, come on" everyone came over and we had this massive group hug.

We all sat and talked for a while before Vic sat up.

"Okay, so. I have news." We all perked up to hear what it was. He scrambled to find what he was looking for and pulled out a stack of papers. "Kellin just had to sign these and I can go home right now" he stated

"Wait, really?" We all asked simultaneously. "Yep, really. There's a pen here too" he said as Kellin fit up and signed the papers.

I couldn't have asked for a better day today. But here's the thing.... it did get better

A/N CLIFFHANGER there's a lot going on so I might do a flashback to this chapter later on instead of showing the "ending"  next chapter but I'm it sure yet.

I know this chapter was a lot shorter than others and I apologize, but I didn't wanna write too much for what I had in mind

Song: I Think I'm OKAY - Machine Gun Kelly, YUNGBLUD & Travis Barker

As always, leave suggestions

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