5- Dancing With Your Ghost

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A/N This chapter is gonna be kinda intense. Nothing worth a trigger warning but there's a lot of emotion. Comment any spelling and grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. Grab Tissues. You might need them. 

I woke up sobbing. Another nightmare. But this time it wasn't about my mom or Josie, or the boys. It was about Shy. I jumped out of bed and ran to Emerson's room to make sure they were both still there, and they were. So I walked back to my room and sat down on my floor as tears started to drip down my face. 

Was she okay? What did the dream mean? I wanted answers, and the only person who's be able to give me a good one was Larisa, I wasn't gonna wake her up. 

But it seemed I already had. I saw someone sit next me. Larisa. 

"Did I wake you?" I asked through my tears. "No, I got up to get water and heard you crying. What's going on hun?" I had to come up with something. Or be honest, she could help me. "I had a bad dream, and I don't know what it means, and I'm just scared" Next thing I knew Shay was also in the room, crying into Larisa's shoulder. For the same reason: a bad dream. 

"Okay, Alexia? What was the dream about? Like what happened in it?" 


"I-it was Shy." Shay jumped up at the mention of Shy, almost like she was thinking the same thing. I continued. "In my dream.. She was screaming, and crying, and shouting for Emerson but he wasn't there. And I went to check on her.. in the dream, and she.. her arms.. cut.. and she was unconscious" Shay and I were both sobbing now. "Did you go check when you woke up?" I nodded yes. "And was she there?" I nodded again and Shay stood up. "Mom... I think Alexia and I had the same dream.. and I don't think it was a dream" Shay said and I looked up at her confused. 

Astroprojection. Of course. But how would they get to Shay, that doesn't make sense. 

Shay looked at me again, knowing what I was thinking. "Astroprojection. My birth mom was a witch. and her friend was a trybrid. The trybrid died in an accident with her husband.. or that's what I heard. 

"Shay? What was your name before you became a Kropp?" She looked at me like I was insane, but she answered anyway. "Shaelynn Addison Saltzman. Lizzie Saltzman's daughter. the trybrid was hope-" "Hope Andrea Mikaelson. I know. She's my birth mom" I cut her off and we both looked over at Larisa to see her staring, she looked nervous. "Alexia Katie Mikaelson. Now Alexia Katie Kropp" I stated. 

It seemed we had now woken everyone in the house except for Remington. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you guys" I said softly. They all wrapped me up in a hug. 

"It's okay pumpkin. We're here for you. and Shy's okay. I promise" Emerson said as he picked me up out of the group hug and gave everyone a look that said they could go back to sleep, he then motioned for Shy to stay. 

"Larisa came and told me everything when Sebastian came Into your room. But I'm safe, alright pumpkin?" I hugged her close, tears streaming down my face. "Please never do that. I need you here." She nodded and pulled me close "I'm not going anywhere." 

We all laid in my bed for a while and Shy fell asleep, Emerson looked like he was starting to drift off so I got up to turn out the light again and climbed back into my bed between the best adoptive parents I could ask for. I kissed Emerson's nose. "I love you, dad" His eyes went wide. 

"Did you just call me dad?" 

A/N OUHHHHHHHH. I tried to warn you. I hope you enjoyed this. 

Who do you think was trying to get into Alexia and Shay's heads? 

Song: Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan. 

As always. Leave Suggestions.

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