36- Popular Monster

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A/N Yes, Another Falling In Reverse title. But to be fair, this chapter was going to be named 'You Should be Sad" So, this kinda fit better. Also, I had part of this chapter done already and then I deleted it so I could write my statement for 1K. So that's that. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Vic's POV-

As far as I was concerned Dylan was in jail. I jumped up and with the help of Kellin and Shay we searched the house for him.

We got about halfway through and Kellin just stopped in his tracks. "Alexia, where is she?" He asked me and I just sighed. "She's in Emerson's car" He turned to walk back downstairs. "I'm gonna go make sure she's okay"

That was completely understandable. We let him go while Shay and I continued to look for him

After a while of looking we heard laughing from a small hallway closet.

"Shay, you stay here. Let me check it out" I said to Shay and went to open the closet, and out of the closet came none other than Dylan.

"You fucking bastard! How did you even get out of jail? Hm?" He stood there and laughed a little.

"I escaped, I'm smarter than most of the officers on the unit. I just left"

I was vexed and angry, so I followed my instinct and punched him in the face.

-Kellin's POV-

My only goal was to protect her, that was it. I'd let Vic handle Dylan.

I walked outside and knocked on the window of Emerson's car causing Alexia to jump. "It's just me princess. can you unlock the door?" she unlocked the door and I climbed into the car locking the door behind me.

"Shouldn't you be inside? Helping them find him?" She asked me and I just smiled. "They've got it figured out love. I'm here to protect you, come here" I stated as I pulled her into my lap and played with her hair.

"I'm scared" She spoke out of nowhere. 'I know love, but it's all gonna be okay, we're not gonna let him hurt you. I promise"

It was just then I got a text from Vic.

Vic😎: We found him

Kellin☠️: Where?

Vic😎: In the hallway closet. He escaped jail, he's refusing to leave

Kellin☠️: punch him?

Vic😎: I did...

Kellin☠️: Do I need to come back in there?

Vic😎: no, we'll get it. keep her safe, don't let her come back in.

Kellin☠️: okay. please hurry, it's fucking freezing out here.

She looked up at me.

"They found him" I spoke softly and she smiled "Well that's good news" She spoke. I became nervous. "Yeah.. for sure"

buzz buzz buzz

(1) new message from Vic😎

We got him to agree to leave. We have him in the bathroom right now. Bring Alexia in and straight to the bedroom an we'll get him out.


"Hey princess, he's gonna leave, but we have to go back in the house okay?" she sniffled softly. "but then he's gonna get me" I spoke softly. "Vic and Emerson have him restrained in the bathroom. We're gonna go straight to the bedroom and they're gonna get him out, it's okay" She smiled softly. "Okay"

We got out of the car and did as Vic told us to and went straight to the bedroom. Once we were comfortable I texted Vic

Kellin☠️: We're in the room. All good

We laid there for a little while before she fell asleep in my arms.

-Shy's POV-

I watched and Vic and Emerson dragged Dylan out of the house. Dylan walked away and they came back in. I pulled Emerson to the Sid to talk to him.

"What's up cherie?" He spoke softly. "I have a really bad feeling that something's going to happen tonight, I'm gonna sleep in her room, okay?" he just smiled at me. "Okay. I love you" I smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you too"

And with that I went up to the room Alexia and Kellin were in and laid on the floor

-Later that night-


"Get the fuck off of me you bastard!" I thought it was a dream, but it sounded like Alexia

"No, you deserve this after what you did" A male voice spoke, I couldn't pin who it was though

"No I- Ow! Oh my god ow ow ow. Get the fuck away from me"

I woke up to Alexia screaming, Dylan on top of her.

I jumped up from the floor and reached over Kellin to get him off of her. I must've woken Kellin as he groaned a little.

"Kellin, can you get up for a second?" I spoke and he jumped up looking over to where Alexia was.

"What the- " "Shut the fuck up before I really give it to her, Quinn. I'll hurt you too" Dylan spoke and I fought to get him off of her.

I pushed him off of her but before I had time to take a breath he was on top of me. ripping my clothes off of me. I screamed, but it seemed as if no one was listening.

"Emerson! Kellin! Someone! ow! Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed, hoping someone would help.

-Emerson's POV-

I woke up to someone screaming my name.


I jumped out of bed and ran to Alexia's room to find Dylan on top of her. I pushed him off of her and helped her off the bed. "Touch my wife or my daughter again and I'll kill you myself"

He got up, sloppily putting his clothes on and climbing out the window.

We needed to do something about this.. soon.

A/N HOLY SHIT IM SO SORRY. Stirring the drama pot, again. I know. The next chapter is gonna be kinda wholesome though so it's okay.

Thank you guys again for 1K

Song: Popular Monster - Falling In Reverse

As always, leave suggestions

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