7- Teardrops On My Guitar

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A/N No, I don't listen to Taylor Swift. This title just seemed appropriate for the chapter. moving on. Comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 


"As long as your happy kiddo. That's what matters" he said as he pulled me in for yet another hug. 

I smiled and kissed his forehead before going upstairs to find Emerson on my bed, with a sad look in his eyes. 

"We need to talk"

*Recap Over*


I was mortified. There was only one other time I had seen Emerson this upset, and that was when he found out that Rem had been hurting himself after the incident with his ex. 

oh shit. 

"Yeah. sure, what's up dad?" He waved me over to my bed and I sat down. I finally caught a glimpse of what was in his hands. 

"First of all, we can talk about the whole dad thing, and second of all... what the fuck are these?" He said as he held out his hands, that contained my razor blades, from when I would self harm. I brought them with me, not really knowing what was gonna happen. 

"Dad.. It's- It's not what it looks like" I started sobbing and Emerson set down the blades he was holding and pulled me close. "When was the last time?" He asked me softly. "About a week before you guys came to get me" I tried to choke out through my tears. He kissed the top of my head and rolled up the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing. "I just wanna look at them pumpkin, gotta make sure they're not infected" He said softly as he ran his finger up and down my arms. He then picked a black marker up off of the bedside table. 

"Can I draw on your arms?" I nodded, he had explained before that whenever Rem thought about relapsing he would let Em draw on his arms and it helped to cover the marks that had ben left. He drew on my arms for awhile before setting the marker down and getting up with the blades. 

"Come here, we're gonna get rid of them together" He said to me. I followed him into the bathroom and watched as he flushed all of my blades down the toilet, forever ridding me of the one thing I would harm myself with. 

"Come here pumpkin." He pulled me close as I sobbed into his chest. "I'm so sorry. I know I should've told you-" "Shh, shh. It's okay. I know, its hard to talk about it. It's okay. don't be sorry love. Just.. tell me if you ever feel like doing it again, okay?" I nodded and he carried me back to my bed where he stayed with me until I fell asleep. 

I woke up at about 3am to crying and what sounded like Rem singing. he sounded like he was practicing for tour, but he was crying. I jumped up and ran to his door and just stood there to listen, I heard him strum the chords to Ma Chérie, and heard him softly singing through his tears. I knocked on the door and everything stopped. 

"It's just me Rem, can I come in?" I asked "Yeah, come on in" I walked through the door to find Rem, with his guitar in one hand, and the other wrapped up in his hair. "Rem, what's wrong" I asked while untangling his fingers from his hair. "Em told me about what happened... I'm worried about you" 


I moved his guitar and wrapped him up in a hug. "I'm okay now. I live here, with the best family I could've ever asked for." He was crying again, so I took the sleeve of my sweater to wipe his tears. "I'm not gonna go anywhere, and I promised Em that I'd tell him if I ever felt like doing it again. It's okay." He smiled and wiped his tears once again. 

"Now come on sleepyhead, you need some rest" I helped him up and walked him back to his room before going back down the hall to my room. I played down, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. 

A/N I KNOW I KNOW this one was a lot more intense and emotional than I had intended, but it's okay. I promise I'll make up for it. What do y'all think is gonna happen next? 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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