35- The Drug In Me Is You

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A/N This chapter was gonna be titled "I love you, will you marry me" But I chose this instead. Anyways, it should be pretty self explanatory. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Time Skip to New Year's Eve- (This time skip implies that now both Alexia and Shay are married. Just thought I'd put that out there)

-Jenny's POV-

It was New Year's Eve and we were all going out, by all I meant me, Awsten, Geoff, Otto, Chloe, Alexia, Shay, Remington, Emerson, Sebastian, Kellin, Vic, Andy, Shy, and Larisa. This would be the first time we were all hanging out since Alexia's sweet 16. I wasn't sure if I was excited, nervous, or both.

When I was with Rem, I knew it wouldn't work out, I saw the way he looked at Andy when we'd watch his sets, I heard the way he talked about Andy when he thought I was asleep. I knew it was going to happen eventually.

I'm going to be completely honest, I love Awsten, I hate to say it, but I love Awsten more than I loved Rem, and that's saying a lot.

I was in the bathroom finishing up my makeup when Awsten popped in. "Hey love, Geoff, Otto, and Chloe just got here if you wanna come say hi" he spoke and I turned around. "I'll done in just a few minutes. Do we know where we're meeting everyone else?" I asked and he shrugged. "Otto has the address, so I'm letting him drive" I just smiled "Okay. I'll be down in a minute, go hangout with your friends"

I finished up my hair and makeup before slipping on my black Vans and heading downstairs.

"Fashionably late I see" Geoff said as he giggled a little. "Oh hush Geoff, I just take longer to get ready" I said as we all laughed.

"Let's head out. Rem has been blowing up my phone asking where we were" Otto spoke and we all just filed out the door.

I was oddly nervous.

-Awsten's POV-

I was nervous , but at the same time I was exited. I pulled Geoff aside once we got outside.

"Awsten, calm down. She's gonna say yes, I swear"

I calmed down little bit and made sure I had everything I needed.

-Time skip to the place they were meeting-

We all met up at what I assumed was Sebastians beach house. It was a super pretty cabin like thing on the edge of Santa Monica.

We all walked in and said our hello's and sat down to hangout.

-Time skip to 10 minutes before the new year-

"Hey,Can I have everyone's attention? Geoff can you record this? Awesome. Jenny can you come here?" I spoke and Geoff pulled out his phone to record while Jenny walked over to me.

"What's all this about?" She asked me and I took a deep breath. "Jenny, baby, we're only ten minutes away from the new year, and this is the best way to ring in the new year. I've only known you for a little while, and we've only been together for a little while now, but from the moment I met you, I've had really strong feelings for you. I miss you like hell when you're gone. Geoff has been trying to get me to do this for weeks, but I wanted to do it at the right time. I can't express to you how much I love you, and I see us having a bright future together. I see us starting a family one day, and you being able to come on tour with us. I want to spend all of 2017 and the rest of my life by your side. So would you do the honor of becoming Mrs. Knight, and marry me?"

She just stood there in shock for a minute before speaking. "Awsten.... are you totally sure about this?" She asked me and I felt my heart shatter in my chest. "Of course I'm sure... why wouldn't I be?" She stared down sadly. "No offense to Rem, but I just don't want another repeat of what happened then"

I understood that.

"I promise you that won't happen." We both smiled and she looked me in the eyes. "Then yes, of course I'll marry you!" She spoke and as I slid the ring on her finger the new year hit. A great start to a great year. But then I heard Alexia speak.

"Guys! The door! Someone just came in!" She shouted and Emerson jumped up. "I saw it, but I couldn't tell who it was."

In that moment I saw the brown haired 5'11 asshole that attacked Rem the night him and Andy got together and I realized who it was. I ran over to Emerson and whispered in his ear.

"Em, it's the guy that attacked Remington at warped tour. I know that face. I've seen it before" Emersons eyes went wide and he walked over to Alexia.

-Alexia's POV-

Emerson came over to me and handed me the keys to his car. "Pumpkin, go wait in the car while we get this sorted out please" I did as I was told and overheard Rem and Emerson talking by the door.

"Emerson, who in the actual fuck was that? I recognize him, but I don't remember his name" Remington spoke.

"Rem, that's the guy that attacked you at warped tour. He's after Alexia because they dated before we adopted her." I heard him gasp loudly. "I'm gonna kill that motherfucker before he lays a hand on my niece"

It was in that moment that I realized who they were talking about, and who was in the house, and why Emerson told me to wait in the car.

It was Dylan.

A/N WOWIEEE. Okay, so that was a lot. I know. The next chapter will go into detail about what happened after this point.

As you may have noticed I changed the title and description of this book. I was given the idea to turn this story into a series of stories, each one based off of the story of one of the main characters. Which means more books probably just as long as this one.

Song: The Drug In Me Is You - Falling In Reverse

As always, leave suggestions

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