27- 11 Minutes

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A/N I'm going to apologize in advance for this chapter, big sad stuff coming. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.


"Sorry I couldn't make it to the party"

"I love you small fry"

"So you could go ahead-"

"What's going on?"

"Alexia Katie Quinn"

"Marry me?"

"That's what you wanted, right?"

*Recap Over*

-Kellins's POV-

"Hey dad, I'm gonna go into hot topic. Kellin? You coming?" Alexia said as she walked towards the hot topic. "Yeah, I'm coming"

If I was being completely honest there was some stuff weighing heavy on my heart since before Alexia's party. Vic seemed kinda off, and I couldn't pinpoint why. It scared me.

We got into the store and King For A Day just happened to start playing. I was jamming out. That was until my phone buzzed. I stopped what I was doing to look at the text.

Kellin Vic

I'm sorry. I love you bro. Take care of Shay for me, okay?

What the fuck are you talking about?

I love you guys, take care of yourself and my small fry. Don't lose yourself over this.

Vic, What the fuck?

At this point I was beginning to panic, and Alexia must've caught on because she stopped what she was doing and walked over to me. "Kellin, what's wrong?" She asked and I just showed her the texts.

"Oh my god. We're gonna go, come on" I followed her out of the store and somehow managed to hold back tears until we got to the car.


-Vic's POV-

I love Kellin, and Alexia, and Shay, and they knew that, but what they didn't know what that I'd hand something super heavy weighing on my heart since Warped tour, and it was ripping me apart from the inside out.

It was time, it was my time to just go, and I knew that. I finished the individual notes to the three people I had to call family and went to my bathroom, knowing it would be the last time I ever stepped foot into a room.

I grabbed my blade and sat down in my bathtub before pressing the blade to my wrist. I knew people would come for me, so I locked the bathroom door. I knew they'd be sad, but they'd get over it.

-Shay's POV-

"Dad, Vic's house. Now" Alexia said as we got into the car. That made me nervous. "Alexia, what's going on?" I asked her and she just looked at me sadly "We don't know yet, but we're gonna go find out." She said. I could tell she was nervous and scared. That made me nervous.

We got to Vic's house and went straight to his room where his phone was laying on the bed, along with three notes. One addressed to me, one addressed to Alexia, and one addressed to Kellin. I opened the one with my name on it.

IM SORRY. Also, every time the POV changes it will go back to when they entered Vic's room. Okay, proceed.


Hey there babygirl, by the time you're reading this I'll be long gone, but in case you do find this, I love you, I always loved you, You were my person. I just had things weighing on me, and I couldn't take it anymore. But I love you. The teddy bear on the kitchen table is for you. Don't lose yourself. It's gonna take some time, but remember that I'll always be here in spirit. I promise.

xoxo, Vic

-Kellin's POV-

We entered Vic's room and found notes, one addressed to each of us. We all opened them at the same time.


Hey. I know this looks super sketchy. But I want you to know that I love you, and I always have. You'll always be my best friend, and my brother. Don't try to save me, It'll be better this way. I want you to have my guitar, you showed it to me, so it belongs to you now. There's four teddy bears downstairs. The one on the table is Shay's, and the three on the couch are for you, Alexia, and Jack. Please make sure Jack sees this, and tell him I love him. Don't lose yourself, protect my small fry.

xoxo, Vic

-Alexia's POV-

We walked into Vic's room to find notes. One addressed to each of the three of us, I opened mine, already guessing what was in it.


Hey there small fry. Don't freak out. It's all gonna be okay. I just couldn't handle life any longer, and I'm sorry. It's gonna be hard, but I don't want you to lose yourself. Keep Kellin, Shay, and the boys close. Take care of them for me. You lived to see sixteen, I'm so so proud of you. And I'm sorry I couldn't be there to show you how proud I am. There's a teddy bear on the couch for you. Hold it close whenever you start to miss me. You'll be alright. I love you.

xoxo, Vic.

It seems that the three of us made the realization at the same time, because we all ran to the bathroom door. "Vic! Vic, open the goddamn door" I was panicking because none of us could pick the lock. I called Emerson.

Alexia Emerson

Hey, its everything okay?

No, you can pick locks, right?

Yeah, why?

I need you to come pick this lock. It's Important.

It took 11 minutes before Emerson came and picked the lock and the door swung open revealing a mostly unconscious Vic.

That was the worst 11 minutes of my life.

911 was called and he was taken to the ER.

We couldn't see him for an entire week.


I know the whole 11 minutes thing really doesn't make a lot of sense. But the song centers around death, and fate. So it kinda makes sense.

Song: 11 Minutes - YUNGBLUD & Halsey (Feat. Travis Barker)

As always, leave suggestions

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