32- House Of Memories

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A/N This is the most excited I've been about writing a chapter in a long time, so I really hope you guys enjoy this As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Time Skip to after Emerson and Shy's Honeymoon- 

-Andy's POV- 

Rem and I had been together for a while now. And I couldn't think of a better thing to do now, then ask him to be mine forever. But I only had one problem, his dad split when he was young, so I wasn't sure who's blessing I was supposed to ask for. I texted Alexia in hopes that she had an idea. 

Andy☠️: Hey Alexia, Rem isn't around you right now, is he?

Alexia🌺: No, he's out with Emerson.What's up?

Andy☠️: I need your help. 

Alexia🌺: Alright, shoot. 

Andy☠️: I wanna propose to Rem. But I don't know who's blessing to ask for..

Alexia🌺: A) Awwwww and B) I totally forgot about that part. You have my full blessing, but if you're looking for someone who's closer to a father figure I'd say ask Sebastian, and don't text him. Do it in person, him and Larisa are home right now if you wanna come over. 

Andy☠️: Awesome, thank you, I'll be there soon. 

I was so nervous, but it needed to be done. It was tradition. 

-Alexia's POV- 

"Hey Sebastian? Is it okay if Andy comes over?" I shouted from the kitchen. 

"Yeah, that's fine!" 

Great. Okay. This was actually happening. Holy fuck. 

About 15 minutes later Andy showed up and my stomach was turning for him. I shot him a text.

Alexia🌺: you got this 😉

Andy☠️: Thanks kiddo 

-Andy's POV- 

I arrived at the house and took a deep breath as I walked in. "Hey Andy, what's up?" Sebastian asked me as I got to the living room. "Oh, hi Sebastian. I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about" Sebastian looked at Alexia nervously, then back at me. "What's up?" I got so nervous, but I knew there was no going back now. "I came to ask for your blessing, to marry Remington. 

Sebastian started tearing up and Larisa grabbed his hand. "You promise to be good to my little brother?" He asked me. "I promise" He smiled wide and got up to hug me. "Then you have my blessing. Take care of him for me" I nodded and walked over to where Alexia was. 

"How did it go?" She asked me and I just smiled "He said yes, right?" She asked, now sounding concerned. "Yeah, he said yes" 

She smiled. "Okay so I have an idea." uh oh. "What's your idea kiddo?" She smiled and told me her idea and then also texted Kellin the plan. 

I texted Rem and set the plan in action. 

Andy🥺❤️: Hey angel, I gotta go out of town for a few days, band stuff. But I'll be back before you know it. I love you❤️

Read 12:30pm 

"Lex, he's mad at me...I can tell " I stated, she just hugged me tight. "I'll talk to him, now go before they get back" She giggled and I left. 

-3 days later- 

-Remington's POV- 

I miss him. More than anything. It had only been a few days since I saw him. His job was apart of him, therefore I loved it unconditionally, but it was hard. I was laying in bed with Mishka watching the office when I got a text from Emerson. 

Emmy🖤: Can you move Sebs guitar downstairs? He said he wanted it when he got back cause I guess him and Larisa are going out. 

Rem❤️: Yeah, sure. 

I got off my bed and grabbed Sebs guitar bringing it downstairs and setting it down by the table where he normally put it. 

"Look at you, looking after your big brothers guitar." 

A voice filled my ears. A voice that I had missed with everything I had, a voice that made me feel safer than ever, a voice that made my eyes fill with tears. "ANDY?!" I said as I ran towards him and jumped into his arms, I wrapped my legs around his waist as we both swayed side to side. I let go of the hug but stayed close to his body. "You're back" I whimpered his hands finding their way to my cheeks, his thumbs wiping away my tears. "I'm back" he whispered back giggling a little. 


"Not only that angel, but..." he got down on one knee taking my hand in his. My heart quivered in my chest and I threw my hand over my mouth now openly sobbing. 

He spoke again "You've been my guardian angel for so long now, you love my job, and my bandmates just as much as I do and that means the world to me, without you I'm lost" 

I managed to quiet my sobs a little before I notice him look at the floor, then back up at me. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, dedicated to you..." He pulled a small box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a delicate ring. It was beautiful. "My darling, my angel, my love, would you do the honor, of officially becoming mr. Biersack?" 

"Yes" I whimpered, even sobbing a little as he slid the ring onto my finger. There was a roar of applause from behind us as Andy picked me up and spun me around, kissing me for the longest time he ever had, he put me back down on the ground and kissed my hand. "I love you, my angel" I smiled and looked up. "I love you too. Always" 

A/N Wowieeee. that was a lot. I almost went over 1000 words in just the story alone cause there was supposed to be more in this chapter. On that note though. I hope you guys enjoyed this. 

Song: House Of Memories: Panic! At The Disco 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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