24- R.I.F.P

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A/N For those of you who don't know, the meaning of R.I.F.P, it's an acronym for "rest in fucking peace" This is another song by Mothica. This entire chapter will really be based around two lines from the song "Rest in fucking peace to all my issues" and "rest in fucking peace to all my problems" Okay that's all. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Alexia's POV-

That night I slept in Emerson's room with Shy. I felt safer there, because if I got super sad, I knew I wouldn't be alone. Kellin also stayed with us that night, just not with me, he actually slept in my room.

That night I slept pretty peacefully until I was woken up to Shy getting a phone call. "mom, your phone is ringing" I said as her eyes fluttered open and she jumped to answer it.

"Hello?" She said into the phone. I couldn't make out what was happening on the other end of the call, but from the look on Shy's face it was good. "Thank you so much, we'll be there right away" She ended the call and looked over at me before jumping on the bed

"He's okay, and ready to come home, all stitched up. you wanna go see him?" My eyes lit up at the thought. "Really? But it's like 2am" She smiled "I know, but he's ready to come home. I don't wanna just leave him there" She smiled and I got up, throwing on my flip-flops and running to my room to tell Kellin where we were going and Shy woke up Remington and Sebastian. Within ten minutes we were out the door.

We arrived at the hospital and Shy went up to the front desk. I heard the lady speak. "ma'am, it's two in the morning.visiting hours are over" I then saw a doctor walk out. "Oh, Susan. I called them, they're allowed. You're Shy, correct?" Shy smiled "yes sir, that's ,me and this is my daughter and Emerson's brothers" He smiled at all of us. "Alright then, right this way"

We followed the doctor to the room and as he opened the door Emerson sat up. I didn't run into his arms cause I knew it wasn't safe, but we all know that I wanted to. "Pumpkin, come here" He opened his arms so I could hug him. "Why? Why would you do that?" He looked sad. "pumpkin.. you're leaving... and I know that doesn't sound like a good reas-" "Actually. I have something I need to tell y'all" Shy cut in. What did she know? "Alexia's label called me. To verify that she was indeed still a minor. She's not going far"

Now I was confused.

"What do you mean?" Rem spoke for the first time today. "The house that was for sale next door, the label bought it for her. Also, y'all are signed to the same label"

She wasn't wrong, We were signed to the same label, but I didn't know that I was going to be staying next door to my family. That was the bets thing I had ever heard. Emerson pulled me close and I whispered in his ear "Thank god, I didn't wanna move far. I would've protested. I love you guys too much to leave" I held him close and everyone else joined in on the group hug. Shy was the first to move. "I'm gonna go sign the discharge papers, then we're gonna go home" She said before walking away.

Moments later a nurse came in to take out his IV and told us to change the bandages and all that jazz.

We got home and I let him have his spot on the bed and I went to my room and slid in next to Kellin.

"He's home. All good" I said as I snuggled up to him and drifted off to sleep.

-Emerson's POV-

I woke up at about noon and heard soft humming coming from Alexia's room. I went to go see what was happening and she was writing so I decided go in and sit on her bed. "Whatcha writing about kiddo?" She turned around and smiled. "I actually just finished. Wanna hear it?" I nodded and she began singing the song that she called "R.I.F.P" or "Rest In Fucking Peace"

Wish that I could say
I'm not dancing on your grave
But thinking about the shit you put me through
To hell with you

So long and goodnight
Traded darkness for the light
'Cause everything I had I gave to you
I wanted to you

Rest in fucking peace to all my issues
I'd be lying if I had to say I miss you
When I'm with you I feel numb
I still taste you on my tongue
But now I tell myself I've had enough

Rest in fucking peace to all my problems
'Cause reaching for the bottle couldn't solve them
If the damage has been done
I can't be the only one
I just tell myself I've had enough

Bittersweet relief
Without you next to me
Funny how it all just disappears
When you're not here

Faking self-control
Like everyone I know
Funny how they all just sing along
Your siren song

Rest in fucking peace to all my issues
I'd be lying if I had to say I miss you
When I'm with you I feel numb
I still taste you on my tongue
But now I tell myself I've had enough

Rest in fucking peace to all my problems
'Cause reaching for the bottle couldn't solve them
If the damage has been done
I can't be the only one
I just tell myself I've had enough

Since you went away
I haven't needed saving
They say I'm being brave
'Cause I'm good without you lately

Since you went away
I haven't needed saving
They say I'm being brave
'Cause I'm good without you lately

Rest in fucking peace to all my issues
I'd be lying if I had to say I miss you
When I'm with you I feel numb
I still taste you on my tongue
But now I tell myself I've had enough

Rest in fucking peace to all my problems
'Cause reaching for the bottle couldn't solve them
If the damage has been done
I can't be the only one
I just tell myself I've had enough

"Pumpkin, I love that, are you gonna a play it on tour?" She smiled at me.

"I don't see why not"

A/N I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. It was supposed to kinda revolve around solving all of the current issues.

Song: R.I.F.P - Mothica

As always, leave suggestions

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