4- Intoxication and Officiality

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A/N OH HEY LOOK AT THAT. A TITLE THAT ISN'T A SONG NAME. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try to fix them.


 "We need to make an emergency Jewelry store run" 

 "Would you like me to teach you" 

 "Before your uncle has another panic attack"

 "Can we talk about Sebastian?" 

 *Recap Over*

I was worried about Shay, she seemed scared. 

 "What's wrong?" I asked her as I sat down in front of her. 


 "He got drunk, like really drunk while you guys were gone, and he told me that I was just a spoiled whore and that I didn't matter. Larisa tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't and I'm just scared" 

 That didn't sound like seb, at all.

 "Hey, he didn't mean it, and we both know that. He was drunk. I'm sure he'll apologize" 

 I was right, literally as soon as the word apologize left my mouth, Larisa came in followed by a sober Sebastian. 

 "Sebastian, love. I think you have something you need to say to your daughter" Larisa said before walking over to us and helping Shay onto her feet.

 "Shay, honey. I hope you know that I didn't mean anything that I said, and I know that the fact that I was intoxicated is no excuse, and I am so so-" 

 "I hate to break this up, but I need Alexia, it's about Rem" Emerson came in and said. I slipped past what was happening to help Emerson. "Is he okay?" I asked, and Emerson looked at me nervously. "He's panicking. I don't think he can wait any longer. Is everything ready?" 

 He was planning to do a whole thing with the family. Even Mama Royale was gonna be there for it. It was gonna be perfect. "Yeah, everything's ready. Just need final touches and such. Dinner tonight good?" I told Emerson. He nodded and went back to calm down Remington. 

I went outside to put up the lights we had bought.

 -time skip to dinner- 

 Dinner rolled around, and Emerson told everyone to dress nice, so I put on the dress that Shy had given me and did a little bit of makeup. I was asked to record the whole thing for memories, so I got downstairs and grabbed Rem's phone, where he wanted the video, and sat down at the table. 

 We ate, and Rem looked at me nervously, I showed him that I had his phone, and he quickly checked his pockets before everyone headed outside. We had set up fairy lights down the small sidewalk onto the grass where Rem was standing, humming the verse to Ma Chérie. Emerson had his phone connected to the outdoor speakers and was going to play Ma Chérie for them. Emerson walked out and I knew I had to start recording. 

 Larisa had blindfolded Jenny and led her to the door that led outside. Once they got into the doorway Larisa took off the blindfold and went to stand next to Sebastian. 

 "What's all this?" Jenny asked and Emerson clicked play on his phone. We all sang the verse to Ma Chérie while she walked down the sidewalk, as she passed by each of us, we would hand her a red rose. Her favorite. She got to where Rem was standing and Emerson turned down the music. "Rem, what is this all about?" Jenny asked him, looking honestly concerned. I saw rem start to freak out and nudged Emerson as if to tell him to go comfort Rem. He calmed down quickly and started his small, but meaningful speech. 

 "Jenny, We've been together for two years now. On this day two years ago, I met the love of my life, my person, the person who will comfort me when I'm sick, or sad. Or watch Harry Potter with me on repeat because I'm a nerd. Or quote the office to be romantic. I met the person who I could happily write sappy love songs about while everyone was sleeping, someone who wasn't afraid to be themselves around me. Two years ago today, I made the decision, that I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who understands me, and doesn't hate me when I leave for tours, and supports everything I do, and is protective of me, and puts me in my place when I need it. And Jenny, two years ago today. I realized, that person, is you." 

 When I say I started sobbing. Oh my god. I was trying to silence my sobs as I was holding the camera and I didn't wanna ruin the moment for them. 

 "You're my person, my soulmate, my everything. I know your dad couldn't be here with us, he was taken away from us too soon. Thank you to Paolo for being a 'stand in dad' for this occasion. So will you officially be Jenny Taylor Kropp, and marry me?" 

 I choked back every tear I had in me as the space went quiet, waiting for her response. 

"Remington... I-" She started crying. I was mortified. "Of course I'll marry you!" She shouted. Rem slid the ring onto her finger and wrapped her in a hug as everyone cheered and I stopped the video. 

 Maybe one day I'll get my happily ever after. Just like Rem. 

 A/N Holy shittttttt. That was a lot of emotions. I struggled a lot of writing this. Also, thanks to the friends that I based Jenny and Shay off of. You guys are great. 

 As always, leave suggestions

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