29- Candy

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A/N Regarding This chapter's title and the title of the last chapter. Happy Hotel Diablo day! (At the time of posting it's actually the day after Hotel Diablo day, but with that being said. Today is 21st Century Liability day. So there's that.) The album has been out for a whole year as of today, and hopefully another album soon. I also just wanna mention that I have no idea what Shy's last name actually is, so I made one up. If you known what it is please comment it so I can fix it. Anywaysss, this chapter is gonna be a little all over the place, but it should be good. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Jenny's POV- 

I was sitting on the couch in Awsten's apartment when Geoff came in and sat down. "Hey, you alright?" I tuned to him and smiled "Yeah, I'm okay. Just missing the boys and the kids a ton today" He smiled at me and handed me an envelope. "Then you might be happy to know that this came in the mail today"

It was from Shy.. 

You've Been Invited! 

My eyes started watering

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My eyes started watering. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Geoff asked me. "Nothing, I'm okay. They invited me to their wedding" He smiled "oh. Sounds like fun. Awsten should be home soon. 

-Shy's POV- 

We sent out invites about a week ago. We were having a halloween party tomorrow and then all of the wedding festivities would start. I was so excited, as was Emerson. Him and I planned and payed for everything ourselves and were pleased with the outcome. 

"Shy! Can you come up here for a second?" It was Emerson. "Yeah, I'm coming! One sec!" I grabbed my phone from the kitchen table and ran up the stairs to find Emerson sit-in non our bed. He looked sad. 

"Hey, hey, baby what's wrong?" I asked him and he looked up at me. "Am I good enough for you? Am I doing enough?" "Of course you're doing enough baby. Why would you think you weren't?"

He held out his arms and signaled for me to roll up his sleeves. "Emmy, baby, you didn't-" "No no, not yet anyways. Draw?" I smiled sadly. "Let me go get Alexia, I'm a terrible artist" He nodded and I ran downstairs, grabbing a marker and bringing it to Alexia. 

-Alexia's POV- 

Shy came over to me and handed me a marker. "What's this for?" She looked at me. "Go talk to him. He needs you right now" I knew what she meant with the marker now. I bolted up the stairs and his door was closed so I knocked. "Dad, it's just me, can I come in?" I waited patiently for an answer. "Yeah. Come on in kiddo" 

I walked into the room and sat down on the bed, pulling him into a hug and rolling up his sleeves while opening the marker. "What's going on?" I asked as I started drawing on him. "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you and Shy, like I'm not doing enough" I didn't really know what to say so I went with my gut. "You're doing everything right. and we love you. You're the best fiancé and father ever. I love you" He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I love you too kiddo,  now go tell your mom that we all need to go to the store to get snacks for the party" I giggled, "Okay dad" 

-Time skip to the next day- 

I got up kinda late, so I got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen where things were already starting to be set up. "Morning sleepyhead" It was Kellin. 

Sleeping With Sirens was on like a mini tour thing so I hadn't seen him since the incident. 

"Kellin! I missed you!" I said as I jumped into his arms. "I missed you too princess, get yourself some coffee and then come help me hide the mini spiders" I smiled "Okay." 

I drank my coffee and helped set up, before I knew it, it was 5:30, people were going to start arriving at 6. 

I'd playing a mini concert. I found that my real name was too formal for the music I was writing, so I chose the stage name 'Mothica' 

I went upstairs, Larisa following to help me get ready 

"Are you ready to play your first official gig as an artist?" She asked me and I smiled. "ready as I'll ever be" She giggled and we headed downstairs to start greeting people.

About 30 minutes passed and Emerson texted me saying to head upstairs to grab my guitar and he'd introduce me properly. I headed back upstairs and was waiting patiently. 

"Heyyyyy! Can I get everyone's attention for a sec? Awesome! Okay, so as a lot of you know, Alexia just recently started making music, and her album 'Blue Hour' is out now! But it is my job to introduce this lovely musician by her artist name, so here, playing a free set for y'all, please welcome Mothica" 

I smiled and walked down the stairs and sat down on the stool that was set up for me. "What the fuck is up y'all?!" I said into the mic that was set up and they all continued to cheer. "Alright, so I'm gonna play some songs now, yeah?" They all cheered again. "Alright, this first one is my most played song, it's called Vices" 

I played the entire set, and by the time I was done more people like our neighbors had come by just to see the set. I felt like I was on cloud 9. I brought my guitar back upstairs and put it away before coming back down to hangout and meet people. 

I got back down and saw faces I didn't recognize. A girl, about 13 came over to me with her who I assumed was her mom. "Hi, I'm Mackenzie" I got closer to her level. "I'm Alexia, but you can call me Mothica if you want" Her mom looked at me and I just smiled. "Why don't you tell her how we discovered her, hm?" Her mom told her. The little girl looked at me again. "I saw Emerson's tweet, and dm'd him asking if we could come to see your set and he said yes" 

Of course Emerson tweeted about this. 

"Would you like a picture?" She smiled a nodded. I took a picture with her and continued to make my way around the room. 

Around 1am I got tired so I headed up to my room to get ready for bed. 

I took off my makeup, changed into my pajamas and was laying in bed when Kellin came in. 

"Hey, you headed home?" I asked him. He came closer to my bed and sat down. "I was actually granted permission to stay here. You mind if I sleep here?" I giggled and moved over so he had space. 

"Get over here you dork" I said as he slid into bed. I wrapped my arms around him and drifted to sleep. 

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this. This chapter was a little bit longer than others, but I'm really happy with it. 

How many more chapters should this book have. I really like this so I'll do at least 10 more chapters and then go from there. 

Song: Candy - Machine Gun Kelly (Feat. Trippie Redd) 

As always, leave suggestions 

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