17- Polygraph Eyes

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A/N Curcio will be heavily mentioned in this chapter, so I apologize in advance for that. And just cause I know imma get like bashed if I don't. There will be trigger warnings mentioned throughout the story. So If you don't wanna read something just skip over it. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Sebastian's POV- 

Our new photographer, Caitlin would be traveling with us for the rest of tour, so we had gotten all of her things onto the bus and found her a bunk right below Curcio's. Not the best decision we've made but Emerson and Alexia didn't want to move from their spots so we'd have to make due. Kellin was sleeping on our couch, he said that Curcio gave him creepy vibes and wanted to keep Alexia safe. 


It was about 3am when I was brutally awoken by the sound of screaming. High pitched. I assumed it was just Remington freaking out about his Nutella again, but then I heard where it was coming from. Alexia's bunk.

"Shut up before someone hears you. Especially your dad, or boyfriend" I heard someone yell from her bunk 

I jumped out of bed and ran to Alexia's bunk and opened the curtain to find Alexia softly sobbing with Curcio on top of her.  I had to take matters into my own hands, as Kellin was passed out on our couch. 

"Curcio! Get the fuck off of my niece before I kill you!" He moved off of her and just giggled slightly. "Get out! Get out now before someone else wakes up and kicks your ass." He quickly went back to his bunk, grabbed what was his and left. We'd have to find a new bassist but for now we'd work with what we had. I climbed up into Alexia's bunk and held her close as she sobbed. 

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" I asked her softly, she pulled up her shorts to show very small deep scratches. "Is that it?" I asked, hoping that we weren't gonna have to worry about a baby. She nodded yes and I took a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. "Okay hun. You wanna go back to sleep?" She sat up and got ready to climb out of bed, before she moved again she turned around. "Dad's not gonna be mad if I wake him up, right?" She said softly through her tears. "Of course not kiddo, he loves you. I'll be in my bunk if you need me, and Kellin's on the couch."I stated before she jumped up to Emerson's bunk. 

-Emerson's POV- 

I'm a really light sleeper, so I feel everything. I was pretty peaceful up until I felt another body slide into my bunk and I panicked. I jolted up only to find Alexia, who was crying. I pulled her close and when she pulled away she lifted the hem of her shorts to reveal scratches. "Pumpkin... did you-" "no.. I-it was c-curcio" Oh my god... I'm gonna kill him one of these days. 


"Dad.. I- I wanna.." She stated, and before she could finish her sentence I pulled the marker out of my bag. "But you're not gonna cause I'm gonna draw on your arms. Come here" I drew on her arms for a few minutes before her breathing started to slow down. "Better?" she nodded and I pulled her close. I heard someone walk by and stop by the curtain. "Everything okay?" It was Kellin. "Yeah, yeah, everything's okay now." I stated before looking at Alexia. "You wanna go see Kellin? " She nodded again and I opened the curtain, basically handing her to Kellin. 

"Take care of her tonight. She needs it." I stated and he nodded. Carrying her back to the couch. 

-Alexia's POV- 

"-and then Seb came and stopped the situation before it got bad" I sobbed as I told Kellin what had happened. He then looked down at my arms and saw Emerson's drawing. He looked at me confused. "Whenever I have the urge to self harm he'll draw on my arms. it helps, a lot" I explained. he nodded and ran his fingers through my hair. 

I'll never forget that night. It could've been worse than it was.. but it was still traumatizing. But I fell asleep in the arms of someone I never ever wanted to lose. 

I think I may have found my happily ever after. 

A/N WOWIEEE IM SORRY I know, I know. This was a lot, but someone suggested it so I added it in. But now he's gone, so no more of that. 

I'm thinking of putting in more Shay and Vic content next chapter. What do you think?

Comment ship name ideas for Alexia and Kellin 

Song: Polygraph Eyes - YUNGBLUD

As always, leave suggestions 

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