10 - Another Nightmare

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A/N Ouhhh a title that isn't Palaye haha. Comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

I was brutally awoken from my sleep by Remington complaining about how dirty the bathroom was. We were now a week into tour, and this is like the 5th time I've heard him complain about this. I decided to lay back down while the boys played their set. 

About an hour later I was woken by what sounded like soft, fear induced screams from the bunk above me. Emerson. I jumped from my bunk to his and climbed in next to him, moving his hair out of his face before shaking him slightly.

"Dad, wake up. It's just a bad dream" He jumped up and I stopped him before he hit his head. "You're alright dad. Come here" I wrapped him up in a hug. I was just doing for him what he did for me. 

"You wanna call Jenny? Just to see how she's doing?" He looked eager, but then his face went sad and he looked down. "It's like 3am there though." I pulled out my phone and clicked on Jenny's contact. "well. Let's try anyways. The worst that could happen is she doesn't answer" 

The call rang about 3 times before she picked up.


"hey, everything okay?" 

"Yeah, everything's okay over here for the most part. I'm gonna put you on speaker. " 

Emerson spoke as soon as I put my phone on speaker

"How is she?" 

"She's doing better, Em. It's gonna be okay. They said she should wake up before you guys get back from tour. It's gonna be okay." 

"Thank you. Sorry for waking you." 

"It's alright, now you two get some sleep, tell Rem I said hi." 

Then she hung up 

"See. I told you. Now, You wanna talk about that dream?" I asked him. He just nodded no and then laid back down pulling me close to him. "Please stay." he said as he closed his eyes. "of course". I placed a kiss on his head and I fell asleep. 

I loved this man, he was my dad, and Shy was my mom. This is the best thing that could've happened to me. Jenny and Rem are getting married after we get back from tour, and I'll be starting homeschool. Before the boys adopted me, this entire thing was a dream. and now. It's a dream come true. 

I realized today that I don't need a boy to be happy. I need three, and their names are Remington, Emerson, and Sebastian. The best two uncles and a dad I could've ever asked for. 

Shy may be unconscious now. But I had hope that she was gonna be okay, and things were going to go back to normal. 

I decided now would be a good time to write a letter, I may live with these people, but I can still write to them. 

To my parents,

You're my parents now. Holy shitttt. That's kinda crazy don't you think? But I also believe that this is the best thing that could've happened. The one thing that I do remember about my birth mom is that she always told me how much I reminded her of Emerson, and that if something ever happened to them, she wanted me to end up with you. It's crazy how that happened. By the time you're reading this. I'll have graduated high school, and the band will probably be huge, and I'm gonna continue to be proud of you. I love you both from the bottom of my heart. and Shy, take care of him for me, okay? Don't let him die on me. I need my dad, and you can't die either. I love you so so much. 

Much Love, 


I folded it up before placing it in an envelope and labeling it "Do not open until Alexia's graduation day" 

I love them. 

I think I finally found my happily ever after 

A/N wowwwwwieee. This letter will come up again in the future, so be aware of that. I hope y'all enjoyed this. 

Should I introduce Vic and Kellin? I think I might

Song: Another Nightmare - Sleeping With Sirens  

As always, leave suggestions. 

Lonely// Adopted By Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now