26- Hey Look Ma, I Made It

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A/N This chapter might be a little longer than others, I'm not really sure. But this chapter is only gonna cover one day, so we'll see. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Alexia's POV-

I woke up to Kellin on the edge of my bed with blueberry pancakes. I couldn't have asked for a better start to my day.

"Morning princess" He said as he kissed my forehead and handed me my pancakes. "You're officially sixteen now. How do you feel?" He asked and I giggled "I feel like I wanna eat my pancakes now and not be interrogated" He put his hands up in surrender and got up. "I'll see you at the party then" He spoke before leaving.

Soon after Shy came in to see how I was doing. I had finished my pancakes and asked her to stay to help me get ready. "Of course kiddo, let me go put this in the sink and I'll be right back." I nodded and she went downstairs.

-Shy's POV-

I had called Jenny to come and help me get her ready, and She was almost here. I went downstairs to greet her and get the boys out of the house.

"You boys go make sure that no one breaks in over there. Call when people start getting there and we'll head over" They all nodded and walked next-door right as Jenny pulled up and came in.

"Where's that sweet niece of mine?" "Shhh, she doesn't know you're coming. She's upstairs" I stated and we walked upstairs. I knocked on her closed door. "Hey kiddo, I have another surprise for you." I said and she opened the door.

"What is I- Aunt Jenny! Oh my god!" She said as she jumped into her arms. "Hey there girly. Happy sweet sixteen. Let's get you ready"

We got her ready in about two hours, which was perfect time. Emerson called when we were finishing her hair

-Alexia's POV-

"We'll be there soon" "I love you too" was all I heard her say before she came back over. "It's time.. Are you ready?" She asked me. I grabbed my phone and we headed over. They snuck me in through the backdoor and took me upstairs through a small staircase by the back door. They all walked back down and into the party. Now I just needed to wait for my cue.

"Hey, hey. Can we all quiet down a sec? Emerson, cue the music" I heard Vices start playing. hold up, this was my song... "I'd just like to say that I've been waiting a long time for this day, and I don't wanna wait any longer, so can we welcome the birthday girl" I heard rem say and I began my decent down the large staircase and everyone cheered.

-Time skip to opening presents-

I had gotten through 98% of the presents I had in front of me. I had handmade gifts, books, recording equipment and other small things like jewelry. There was two gifts in front of me. One from Remington, and one from everyone.

For as long as I can remember my mom would always tell me that I wouldn't live to see my sweet sixteen. But here I was, Spending my sweet sixteen with the best family ever.

"Open Remington's first" Emerson said and Remington squealed a little. I shook the box. It was definitely small, they both were. I opened the box and there was a car key. Rem motioned for me to follow him outside. I followed him out and in the driveway was a 2008 Audi A4, matte black.. my dream car. I jumped into his arms. "Thank you thank you thank you" I shouted. "Of course kiddo, all yours." He spoke and we walked back into the house where my laptop was now set up next to the last box.

"This one's important. Can someone go grab tissues?" Emerson said as he connected my laptop to the TV.

I opened the box and there was a USB drive in it. I plugged the USB into my laptop and opened the file. It was a video so I hit play and sat back to watch. First Jenny and Awsten popped up on the screen.

"Hey kiddo, I know that I'm not around nearly as much as I used to be, but I want you to know that I didn't forget about you. I promise" My eyes were starting to water and Kellin came and sat next to me, Vic was next to pop up on the screen. "Hey. I hope you know that I care about you a whole lot, I'm super sorry I couldn't make the party, I'll see you all soon thought, love you small fry."

Next was Shay. "God, this is sappy, I don't do sappy but fuck it. Happy birthday. I remember meeting you and thinking 'She's so pretty, and smart, and I'm just not gonna be good enough to be her friend, let alone her cousin' but I was wrong, you're the best cousin I could've ever asked for. Thank you for being you, I love you" I was crying at this point, Kellin just held me close as Seb and Larisa popped up. Larisa spoke first. "Hey kiddo, I know we're not supper close. But you mean a whole lot to your uncle and I" Seb spoke quickly after. "I love you more than words kid. You're 16 now. You're gonna graduate soon. What am I gonna do then? Don't grow up too fast"

Next was Shy. "Hey sweetheart. I've only known you for a little under a year, but in that time we've become so so close. You're the best daughter I could ask for. I love you."

Then Emerson. "Pumpkin, I am so so proud of you, I remember you saying that you didn't think you'd make it past sixteen, but if you're seeing this, that means you did. And I couldn't be happier. Thank you for being there to pick up all my broken pieces. Never give up on yourself or your dreams, because you can do anything you put your mind to. I love you so much"

I was sobbing at this point, and then Kellin popped up on the screen.

"Alexia. my beautiful girlfriend, from the day that I met you I knew that I'd never wanna leave you. I was committed. There was no turning back. I'm so proud of how far you've come in the last few months. I know we haven't been together long, but given everything, I didn't want to wait any longer. So if you could go ahead-" The video cut out.

"What's going on-" "Princess, can you look at me?" Kellin spoke. I turned to look at him. I know we haven't been together long, but I see you in my future, I see us starting a family and having a life together. So... I talked to Emerson, and he allowed for it. Would you officially be Alexia Katie Quinn, and marry me?" I was sobbing, hard. So I just nodded and he slid the ring onto my finger.

Hey look ma, I made it... I lived to sixteen, I lived to find family, and true love. That's what you wanted right?

A/N WOWIEEEEE. Not gonna lie, I almost named this chapter "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me' " like the Fall Out Boy song, but that just seemed inappropriate.

Also, the proposal was an Idea I made on impulse while thinking of Kellin's speech. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though.

Song: Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At The Disco

As always, leave suggestions

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