38- Helpless

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A/N Wow. After this chapter there will be two more and an epilogue. Also, I changed the cover to make it match how I imagined Alexia in my head. So that's that. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Alexia's POV- 

it had been a week since Kellin found out I was pregnant. It was finally time to come clean to the rest of the family. Kellin got Sleeping With Sirens on the phone while the boys got ahold of Shy, Larisa, and Andy, and Shay called Vic. 

Once everyone was present I spoke. 

"So, I have some really big news. For the past month or so I have been showing signs of pregnancy" Emerson gasped and I stopped for a moment, comprehending that he knew what was happening. 

"Before our show in Orlando I had Emerson grab me a pregnancy test that I could take, and during Palaye's set, I came back and took it. Then Kellin got there, much to my surprise, and we got to share the moment together, so... my wonderful family.  I, Alexia Katie Quinn, am indeed pregnant" Everyone cheered and Emerson jumped up to hug me. and while we hugged he whispered in my ear. "Pumpkin, are you sure you're ready for this" I just smiled and spoke softly. "I'm sure, it'll all be okay" 

-Emerson's POV- 

My daughter was pregnant. I had talked to Kellin shortly after the announcement and he confirmed that he was indeed the father, which took a huge weight off my shoulders. My only fear now was if Alexia would be okay enough to finish off the tour. 

-Time skip to when Sleeping With Sirens arrives- 

-Kellin's POV- 

The boys got here quicker than I had anticipated. I had spent the last 8 days caring for Alexia, and reassuring the boys that I was the father of the baby. It was chaotic, but when the rest of the band showed up it only got more chaotic. 

For a month and a half we played show after show after show, and loved it like we always did, but the thought of me being a father was weighing heavy on my mind. 

Today was the last day of tour and we had just finished packing up the bus. 

"Are you guys ready to go?" Emerson asked as we all climbed into our respective bunks. "Yeah, I'm ready to be home" Remington spoke and we started the drive. 

We reached Palaye's house and all of us except for the rest of Sleeping With Sirens jumped out and grabbed our things.

I grabbed Alexia's bag and she stopped me, taking it out of my hand. "I got it Kellin, I'm okay" I just stared at her for a minute before speaking. "But I wanna take it in. please?" I gave her the puppy dog eyes and she gave in. 

"Fine, but only because I love you" She said and went back to help the rest of the boys get the rest of their stuff. 

I walked into our house and up to our bedroom to find none other than the devil himself. 


A/N Ahhh. Being so close to the end kinda makes me sad, but I have a plan for more books, as you guys have probably notices all the changes to the story details.I know this chapter is a lot shorter than others, but I just couldn't extend this chapter to make it longer without fucking up the plot. I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Song: Helpless - Original Broadway Cast Of Hamilton

As Always, leave suggestions. 

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