14- Tongue Tied

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A/N I know the last chapter seemed really rushed, and I apologize. I also wanna apologize for the inconsistent updates. I write and save chapters, and sometimes I'll post them all at once, but sometimes I'll split them up over the course of a week or so. I'll only post the chapter if I see that it's good enough to be posted. I hope y'all understand. With that being said, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I will try my very best to fix them. 

-Remington's POV- 

I came back to the bus happy... but I knew I needed to explain what happened, they were worried. I didn't sleep much that night. I laid awake in my bunk trying to figure out what I was going to say, and before I even stopped to look at the time Alexia was in front of my bunk. 

"Remmy, it's time to wake up" When I didn't respond she opened the curtain and looked up at me surprised. "Have you slept?" She asked, concerned. I nodded my head no and she just pulled me in for a hug. "Come on. You owe everyone here an explanation." She stated before jumping out of my bunk. I followed shortly after, still anxious.

Jenny was still here.... it's not like I wanted her to leave but this was odd. I felt bad. 

-Alexia's POV- 

"Remmy, come sit, we're not mad" I told him and he came to sit down next to me. Vic and Kellin had come by as moral support for Shay and I but no one else seemed to notice they were there aside from Shy who was still hung up on the fact that we had boyfriends. 

"Okay, I owe you all a really important explanation. So Jenny, first of all. Before you ask why I asked you to marry me... For the longest time before I even knew you, I had a crush on Andy, but I tried to avoid it for reasons I can't even fathom to myself. I met you, and every thought of him faded away until I basically forgot who I was. I was in love with you... then last night, when I was attacked-" 

"Wait a minute. You were attacked? By who?" I asked nervously. Had a gut feeling as to who it was, I had seen him roaming around yesterday but he didn't see me. Rem spoke softly like he was nervous "Some kid, about your age.. like 5'11 I think. He said he knew you, and that he was gonna hurt us all until he got to you.. Andy saved me, he saw the fight happening and stepped in. Jenny had already started walking back to the bus by then" 

Jenny's eyes started to tear up. I moved from in between Rem and Kellin to in between Shy and Jenny so I could hug her. "So he saved you? And all of your feelings came back?" Jenny said through a string of tears and Rem then started hysterically sobbing into Kellin who just held him. "Exactly that...And I didn't want anything to go down unless I took the time to tell you about my feelings first, which is why I came back to call off the engagement" 

"Okay. If I'm honest.. I've had feelings for someone else recently too" The words flew out of Jenny's mouth and hit Rem like a ton of bricks, but he held it together. No one questioned who, because we all knew already. She said something to us when Rem left for the second time last night. 

Rem spoke up again to break the silence. "Do you still wanna finish off tour with us?" he asked. "Of course I do, and I'll still stick by your side if you want. You're still one of my best friends and that's never going to change. Okay?" Jenny spoke softly. Rem nodded and got up before Emerson spoke up. "wait, wait. Rem come back. I want you to be here for this" 

-Emerson's POV- 

This was it. I couldn't wait any longer. I was going to wait and do it in Paris, but we wouldn't be going to Paris this tour, so I had to do it now. But as soon as I was ready Rem got up. "wait, wait. Rem come back.I want you to be here for this." Everyone looked so confused and I felt bad but I went ahead anyways. I turned to Shy and grabbed her hand so we could move to where everyone could see. Kellin looked over at me and smiled. 

"Shy. I'm going to be entirely honest, I don't know how long exactly we'e been together, but I do know that it has been the best time of my life. I wanted to do this in Paris, but I was recently informed that this tour doesn't leave the states. So now seemed appropriate. I love you more than words, or art, or a piece of paper could express, and the universe is telling me that you're my person. So..-" Alexia was sobbing, I had set up my phone to record before I even stood up because no one else knew, and everyone had a look of shock on their face as I gained my courage and got down on one knee. "Shy... will you marry me?" 

Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded and I placed the ring on her finger. For the last month or so Alexia has had parents that weren't officially together, but now, maybe a year from now, or sooner. We'll have a piece of paper to show that we're together forever. 

A/N OUHHHHH yeah that happened. I needed to lighten everything going on. on that note. Who should Jenny end up with. Preferably a member from another band that's on warped. This entire chapter was a lot to write, but I hoped you guys enjoyed it. 

Song: Tongue Tied - Marshmello, YUNGBLUD & Blackbear 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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