20 - Sweater Weather

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A/N This is the closest thing I could find to what I wanted so just roll with it.I'm aware that this song is considered the bi anthem, but this has nothing to do with that. Okay thanks, as always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Vic's POV- 

We had just gotten home a few days ago, and before I knew it we were making plans again, not another tour, but plans for a double date. Me and Shay, and Kellin and Alexia. It was an exciting thought, and the girls had already agreed, but I was afraid that someone was going to stir up drama. 

The date was today, we decided that we'd take them to Disneyland for the day. I got my stuff together and started my walk to the Kropp house. Kellin not far behind me. 

-Shay's POV- 

"Alexia! Come on, you don't need to look perfect. It's just the boys" I shouted into her room, she had been in there all morning trying to get all her stuff together. "I'm good now! Are they here?" She shouted back. "Not yet, but we need to eat" 

At the mention of food she came out of her room "Larisa made ravioli. homemade" I told her and she followed me out of her room and down into the kitchen. 

"Oh, there you girls are, I was afraid your food was going to get cold" Larisa said as we came down the stairs. "Sorry, I couldn't find my sunglasses" Alexia stated before sitting down and eating. Before we knew it we heard a knock at the door. 

-Alexia's POV- 

I opened the door and automatically jumped into Kellin's arms. "hey princess, you miss me?" he said and I just giggled a little before jumping down and letting them come in. 

I went to go say goodbye to Shy and Emerson. "Money? Sunglasses? Sunscreen?" Emerson said and I nodded each time signifying I had everything I needed. I hugged shy and whispered in her ear "Take care of him. he seems kinda off." I gave Emerson a hug next and told him that I loved him before walking out the door hand in hand with Kellin. 

"princess, what's wrong? you seem sad." Kellin said as we walked towards their houses to get the car. "Nothing really. My dad just seems kinda sad. I'm worried about him" he stopped in his tracks "We don't have to go today if you don't want." He looked concerned. "No, no. It's okay. This will take my mind off anything that's going on, and Shy will call if anything happens. It's okay" I smiled. Kellin picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. 

-Time skip to Disney cause car rides are boringggg- 

We got to Disney and I already felt better about today. That was until Shy texted. 

Shy  Alexia 

Hey, don't dwell on this too much cause I want you to enjoy today. But we all gotta talk when you get home okay? 

Okay. Love you 

Love you too kiddo 

I chose to try and forget about it while we were at Disney. Happiest place on earth, right?

-Emerson's POV- 

"I'm such a fucking hypocrite. I don't know what's wrong with me" I stated as Shy cleaned me up and wrapped my arms. How is Alexia gonna feel? She's gonna hate me. I told her to always talk to me if she felt like doing it, but I didn't talk to anyone. 

"Nothing's wrong with you Em, you felt like you didn't have anyone to talk to, so you acted on impulse. She's not gonna hate you, I promise." Shy stated as she finished wrapping me up. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Alexia. 

Emerson  Alexia

I'm sorry 

For what?

I'm just sorry.. talk when you get home? 

Of course 

-Alexia's POV- 

I saw that text and stopped in my tracks. Kellin noticed and came back to where I was. "What's wrong, princess?" I showed him the texts.. "Kellin, something's not right. Something's nit adding up. He's not okay" 

"Alright, hey, it's okay. We're gonna get you home okay? Let me call vic" I nodded and he gt on the phone 


Kellin  Vic 


We need to get Alexia home.


Don't ask questions, just come meet us by the gates, or I'm taking your car. 

Alright alright, we're coming.

*call ended* 

Vic and Shay came and met up with us as the gates and Shay pulled me aside. 

"Is everything okay?" I looked at her sadly "I don't really know. They just said we'd talk when I got home" I then showed her the texts as tears started to fill in my eyes. "Guys! Now! This is important" We all jumped into Vic's car and drove home. 

I walked into my house to be greeted with none other than my parents. "Come sit hun. You're not in trouble" 


I sat down and Shy handed me a marker. Odd. Before I could question it Emerson spoke. 

"Alexia, pumpkin. I'm so sorry. I'm such a hypocrite. I told you to always come talk to me, and then when I started feeling that way I didn't talk to anyone. I just... acted on impulse" He said shakily and rolled up his sleeves to reveal the cuts he had left. 

"Dad.. oh my go-" I couldn't even get through my sentence before I started sobbing. "You should have come to me." I spoke shakily. "I know pumpkin. I just didn't wanna burden you with all my stuff on top of your own" I wrapped him up in a hug. 

"dad, you could never burden me, ever." I looked up at shy with the marker in my hand. "Is it safe?" she nodded, so I opened the marker and started drawing. Putting smiles on all of our faces. Next thing I knew Kellin and Vic walked in covered in sweat and blood. 

"What the fuck happened to you two?" 

A/N I know the ending was sad and kinda sappy. That's kinda the point. Anyways 

What do you think Emerson was so upset about?

What do you think happened to Vic and Kellin?

How are we feeling overall? 

How many more chapters should this story have? 

Song: Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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