19- Adore You

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A/N I, saying it now. This chapter WILL be sappy and cute, so be prepared. Okay that's all. Comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Kellin's POV- 

Today was the last day of warped tour. Then we'd stay on the grounds for the night and fly home in the morning. It was also my one month with Alexia, so I wanted to make today special for her. I got up early this morning so I could make her breakfast before my set at 12:30. 

"Alexia, time to wake up kiddo" I heard Sebastian say and I knew I needed to finish up. I made her blueberry pancakes, she always rambled on about how they were her favorite. 

I would do anything for this girl. 

I finished making breakfast and had it all out on the small table as she hopped out of her bunk. 

"Kellin, what are you doing here?" She asked me sleepily. "Well good morning to you too sleepyhead. I made breakfast." I giggled slightly as I kissed her nose and brought her over to the table. 

"Blueberry pancakes. you remembered." She smiled happily. "Of course I remembered, how could I forget?"  she giggled and dug straight into her pancakes. I took this time to run outside and grab the gifts I had gotten her from Vic, who was kind enough to bring them over. 

I waked back onto the bus and she acted like I never even left. 

"Princess, I got you some stuff" She jumped up and walked over to me. "You didn't have to do that." I smiled at her "But I wanted to. So first off, flowers." I handed her the bouquet of rainbow roses. I spent like two weeks looking for those roses and finally found them late last night. Anyways moving on. 

"They're gorgeous Kellin-" "I'm not done" I pulled the box out of my back pocket and handed it to her. "Kelli-" "It's a promise ring, a placeholder. Read the inside" She read the inside of the ring and threw herself into my arms sobbing. 

'together till the end, I love you' was engraved on the inside of the ring. 

Before I knew it I had to go play my set, and Alexia and the boys had to get ready for theirs. 

-Shay's POV- 

(Fuckin finally. damn) 

I woke up to flowers and a note on the edge of my bunk. This wasn't really normal for Vic, so I figured I'd read it. 


I came by this morning to give you these before our set but you were still sleeping. Come see Palaye's set. I have something for you. '

xoxo, Vic

 Hm. Okay then. This wasn't really normal, but I had been talking to him about wanting a puppy, so maybe it has something to do with that. 

I got out of bed and got ready to head down as Palaye's set started soon, and Alexia was playing her songs for the very last time on tour. for now. I wanted to be there. 

-Alexia's POV- 

Today was the last time I'd play these songs before they got mixed and mastered, and I wasn't;t really sure how I felt about it. But I had a speech for today's show. Before I knew it I was walking up onto the stage for the last time, and I got to surprise my cousin with something she's been rambling on about since I met her, with Vic's help. 

"Heyyyy!" I shouted into the microphone just like I had been  for the last week. They all cheered back. "So today I'm gonna do something a little bit different. For the last few days I've been working with Vic from Pierce the Veil on a surprise he's been planning. And I wanted you all to be here for it. " They all cheered and I glared at Vic who was holding the small Pomeranian in his hands. "So first of all. Shay, my wonderful cousin. I've only known you for a few short months, but in the time I've spent with you, we've become close as pages in a book. Who am I kidding? We even got boyfriends on the same day. So can you come up here?" Everyone cheered and Shay was ushered onto the stage from the opposite side of Vic. 

"And second of all. Vic, in the time I've known you and Kellin, you are such an amazing person, and you treat my cousin here like a fucking princess, as you should. And to all of you, to preface this. A few weeks ago we were all just hanging out on the bus, and for at least the fifth time that day alone, Shay had mentioned wanting a Pomeranian. So... Vic, come up here, and Shay, meet your new puppy" 

She had a huge smile on her face, and without thinking twice, they kissed in front of everyone. 

"Okay okay. go be mushy somewhere else. I love y'all" The crowd cheered and I went back to the microphone. 

"Hey again! Before I start my set for today I just wanted to thank every single one of you who's supported me through my music journey, There's so much more where these first four came from and I'm finally able to say that my first album called 'Blue Hour' (I know the timeline is off and ashes was first but I'm working backwards) will be out next month! And with that. I hope you guys enjoy. This first one is called 'Oh God' "

I sang through my set and introduced Palaye before walking off the warped tour stage for the very last time. 

Music was my passion, and I wouldn't trade it for the world

A/N FINALLY A HAPPY CHAPTER. I hope you guys enjoyed this. The next chapter will also probably be super sappy, so be warned. 

Song: Adore You - Harry Styles 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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