22- Now Or Never

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A/N I have a really big swing of motivation today apparently. so let this be the chapter y'all leave suggestions on cause I wanna keep writing.  As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Alexia's POV- 

I woke up before everyone this morning. I wanted to look my best for today. I was finally going in to record all of my songs. 

As I finished straightening my long blue hair Rem peeped his head into my bathroom. "Hey kiddo, you look good. Almost ready?" I nodded and he walked out. I finished doing my makeup to match my outfit and walked out of my bathroom. 

I walked down the stairs and was greeted by my whole family including Vic and Kellin. "You look beautiful princess." Kellin said as I went to give him a kiss. Rem popped out from the kitchen with the remains of his Nutella toast. "We ready to bounce?" I nodded and we all headed out the door and into our cars driving to the studio. 

I was so excited for this. I was finally living out my dream, the way I wanted. 

We got to the studio and headed in. We decided we'd record 'Oh God' then 'Hands Off' then 'Vices' and then 'Everything at once' Just like my setlist and we'd reorder the tracklist once the entire album was finished. 

I got into the booth and when given the go ahead recorded the vocals for 'Oh God' 

Oh god, what did I do?
I'm out of control again
Woke up blacker than blue
Probably lost a friend

My throat's so fuckin' dry from sayin' sorry
Wake up a different person in the morning
Forget every lesson daddy taught me
I never learn, I just make it worse

Oh god, what have I done?
What did I say last night?
Did I play the fool, did I make you believe
I was havin' a good time?
'Cause I've been drinkin' all of my emotions
'Til I'm sick, until I'm broken
Oh god, what have I done?
What have I done? (Oh god)

Oh no, should've stayed home
But it's hard to be alone sometimes
Dark thoughts got me so low
I'd do anything to clear my mind

My throat's so fuckin' dry from sayin' "Sorry"
Wake up a different person in the morning
Forget every lesson daddy taught me
I never learn, I just make it worse

Oh god, what have I done?
What did I say last night?
Did I play the fool, did I make you believe
I was havin' a good time?
'Cause I've been drinkin' all of my emotions
'Til I'm sick, until I'm broken
Oh god, what have I done?
What have I done? (Oh god)

All the nights I missed
Poison on my lips
All alone (Oh god)
I'm done
I'm done hidin' it
I'm done fightin' it
On my own

Oh god, what have I done?
What did I say last night?
Did I play the fool, did I make you believe
I was havin' a good time?
'Cause I've been drinkin' all of my emotions
Until I'm sick, until I'm broken
Oh god, what have I done?
What have I done? (Oh god)

We finished tracking the vocals and then the boys went in and tracked backing vocals, guitar, bass, and drums. It sounded amazing so far. 

Next up to track was 'Hands Off' 

I went back into the booth and again I was given the go ahead and started singing 

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