31- Finally// Beautiful Stranger

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A/N THIS IS NOT THE ENDING. I REPEAT: THIS IS NOT THE ENDING. I'm aware that the title has the word "Finally" in it, but it'd not the end. The end will have "finale// (chosen song title)" This chapter is sappy as fuck tho so be ready. As always comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Jenny's POV- 

Today was Shy and Emerson's wedding. I was nervous to see Rem again, But Awsten, Otto, Geoff, and Chloe were also invited. Geoff and Chloe's daughter Rory was Shy's flower girl as Alexia and Shay are too old to do it. 

"Hey love, you ready?" I heard Awsten say from behind me while I was putting on my lipgloss. "Yeah, I'll be down in a few minutes" I saw him come closer and wrap his arms around my waist. "What's wrong love? I can tell you're upset." I just smiled sadly. "I'm terrified to see Rem again, We haven't spoken since Alexia's birthday" He just laid his head on my shoulder. "I know love, but it'll be okay. I got you. Now let's get outta here. We're gonna be late" 

We walked hand in hand out to the car and began the drive to the Forum. 

-Shy's POV- 

I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up. I had drank almost 4 bottles of water and Larisa came over. "Hey, hey, you're alright. Slow down Shy. You're okay" She said. I just nodded. I went to the bathroom and took a ew deep breaths, using the bathroom before I wen back into the dressing room. 

-Emerson's POV- 

Kellin came over to wear I was sitting with my head in my hands. "it's gonna be okay Em, she loves you more than anything. You guys are meant for each other" He hugged me close as I buried my head in the side of his neck. "What if I'm not good enough? What happens then?" Kellin held me close. "You are good enough, don't think like that. She loves you, Alexia loves you, and I love you. It's gonna be alright" Kellin stated and I took a deep breath. "Thank you. I love you too, by the way" I said and giggled a little before standing up. 

Shy and I decided we wanted to do a first touch before the ceremony. We'd both be brought outside blindfolded and we'd get to hold hands, it was something she saw online and thought was cute, so I went with it. I think this was the part that scared me the most. 

-Shy's POV- 

Emerson and I decided we wanted to do a first touch before the ceremony, and I already knew they'd have to fix my makeup before the ceremony cause I was gonna cry. I hadn't touched, seen, or even talked to Emerson once today. Bad luck. Alexia put the blindfold on me and led me outside. Once I felt I was against the wall I took a deep breathe and waited. 

We were having everything recorded professionally. So I waited for the go ahead from the videographer before reaching my hand out and instantly feeling Emerson intertwine his fingers with mine. Out fingers intertwined and my eyes watered. Then I heard his voice."You're alright cherie. I got you, always. Okay?" I smiled and tried to choke out words. "I love you" "I love you too. I'll see you soon" 

and just like that it was over and we were being pulled apart so they could fix my makeup. 

Holy fuck. This is actually happening. I was struggling to grasp that I was actually marrying the love of my life. It all just hit me, and I had to refrain from crying a second time. 

"Are you ready to get this show on the road?" Larisa asked from the doorway. "Let's do this" 

-Alexia's POV- 

I was the last bridesmaid to go out before Shy, I was her maid of honor. Probably because I was her daughter, but whatever. I watched as Everyone made their way down the aisle and before I knew it, I was next. 

I wanted to sob. But I had to hold back. I walked down the aisle as confidently as I could before getting to the altar and hugging Larisa as a form of comfort. 

The music that was chosen started playing and I watched as my mom walked down the aisle, it was in that moment that I must've started crying cause Larisa was holding me close. "You're okay kiddo, it's all good" I heard her whisper and I stood up straight. 

-Time Skip cause I'm lazy- 

"And do you, Emerson Barrett Kropp take Shy Marie Anderson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" We all stood there, waiting as Emerson got nervous but somehow still spoke. 

"I do" I started crying again as the priest said the iconic line. 

"You may now kiss the bride" 

We all walked out happily and I drove Larisa, Shay, and I to the reception venue. 

Everyone got to the reception Venue and I automatically went to find Kellin. 

-Kellin's POV- 

I was sitting with Remington when I saw Alexia wandering around, she looked like a lost puppy. 'I'm over here princess." She turned around and ran over to me plopping into my lap. I kissed her forehead softly. "You okay? You look like you've been crying." She just smiled. "Happy tears. I'm okay." 

The reception went by quickly. Shy and Emerson chose none other than Ma Cherie for their dance. Classic Emerson. I was so happy for them. They were officially together forever. 

It was then that I realized how much they really meant to me. Now that they were legally married, they were also both legally my parents... and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

A/N I really hope you guys liked this chapter, it took a lot of energy to write. The next few chapters are definitely going to be sappy. Cause sad or scary plot twists just aren't on the table right now, I hope that's okay. 

Also, I just wanna mention that were almost at 1k reads. So thank you guys so much for that. I can't thank y'all enough. 

Song: Finally// Beautiful Stranger - Halsey 

As always, comment suggestions.

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