39- Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

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A/N This chapter is gonna be kinda gory, so I apologize in advance. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 


"I'm pregnant" 

"To find none other than the devil" 


*Recap Over* 

-Vic's POV- 

I went up to go say hi to Kellin after he got home and I walked in to see him and Curcio just staring at each other. 

I walked up to Kellin and whispered to him. "Kellin, go make sure Alexia doesn't come up here, Shay and I will handle this" and with that Kellin went downstairs to distract Alexia while we handled the situation. 

"Victor" Curcio said as he walked close to me. "Daniel.." He smirked. "What are you gonna do to me?" 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, becoming frustrated. He came closer and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Curcio, I swear to god" "What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" He asked laughing a little. 

Becoming frustrated I punched him in the jaw. 

"What the fuck was that for?" he shouted at me. "That was for trying to get in my pants" I punched him a few more times and spoke again. "And those were for trying to hurt Alexia and her sweet photographer. I fucking hate you" He went silent. "Shay! Can you come up here?" I spoke 

-Shay's POV- 

I came into the room to find Curcio trying to literally get into Vic's pants. 

"Ew, gross. Don't fucking touch him Curcio, I will literally rip your throat out." 

He looked up at me and smirked. "I'll give you what I gave your cousin if you're not careful" He spoke and I went to punch him. 

"Touch me and I will literally kill you with my bare hands. Got it?" He just laughed and placed his hands on my waist. I was quick to push him off and let Vic handle the situation. 

Oh god. 

"If you so much as lay another hand on any of us you won't live to see tomorrow" 

and with that, he tried touching Kellin, again. 

-Vic's POV- 

He laid his hands around my neck and I pushed him off. "Daniel Curcio, what the fuck did I tell you?" He just smirked. "You won't kill me, you're just a nervous little boy who cares about his little bitch too much" 

"Did you just call her a bitch? You fucking bastard! Shay, Pocket knife, please?" 

She passed me my pocket knife and I opened it, first stabbing him in the arm, then kicking him to the ground and Stabbing him in the chest. 

Shay called the police. 

"Hi, yes there was an intruder"


"oh, okay. so he won't go to jail?"

"Okay perfect" 

She got off the phone and came over to me. 

"They're gonna come and take the body, but you're not going to jail" She spoke happily. 

I was confused.

"I'm not?" 

"No, there's this thing called the make my day law, where if there's an intruder in the house and they threaten you or anyone else in the house, you can legally kill them. It's self defense" She spoke and I smiled. 

"well that's good to know for the future." 

Soon enough the cops showed up and Sebastian called us downstairs. 

-Sebastians POV- 

I was peacefully sitting on the couch watching TV when I heard a loud band on the door "LAPD Open up!" 

The cops were here..

"Hello officer, how can I help you today?" 

"We're here by request of Shaelynn Fuentes?" 

"Oh, of course. Shay!! Vic!!" I shouted and they came down. 

"Upstairs Officer." Shay spoke and I watched as the officers carried Curcio's body out of my house. 

"What the fuck did you two do?" I asked, not necessarily angry, but more so confused. 

"He was intruding, and threatening to hurt people in the house, so we killed him" 

Okay then. Sounds about right. 

-Time skip to Alexia's graduation day- 

-Alexia's POV- 

I graduate today. I was terrified, but at the same time I was ready to move on with my life. Pursue my dreams, stuff like that. 

I was getting ready when I remembered something. 

The letter. 

I grabbed it out from my sketchbook where I had kept it all this time and ran downstairs where everyone was sitting. 

"mom, dad, I have something for you guys" I spoke and I sat down, handing them the letter. 

To my parents, 

You're my parents now. Holy shitttt. That's kinda crazy don't you think? But I also believe that this is the best thing that could've happened. The one thing that I do remember about my birth mom is that she always told me how much I reminded her of Emerson, and that if something ever happened to them, she wanted me to end up with you. It's crazy how that happened. By the time you're reading this, I'll have graduated high school, and the band will probably be huge, and I'm gonna continue to be proud of you. I love you both from the bottom of my heart. And Shy, take care of him for me okay? Don't let him die on me. I need my dad, and you can't die either. I love you so so much. 

Much Love, 


They both looked up from the paper and Emerson had tears streaming down his face. "I love you, and am so so proud of you pumpkin, you're gonna go on to do amazing things" Emerson spoke through his tears. 

"I know, I love you too dad, and just know that I'm never more than a phone call away" 

We had a group hug and then we all hopped into our cars to head off to graduation. 

A/N I told you the letter would pop up again eventually.  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's absolutely insane to think that we're this close to the end. Thank you guys for coming on this journey with me, I hope I can spend the rest of the journey with each and every one of you.

Song: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story - Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton. 

As always, leave suggestions. 

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