Chapter 22

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Odette ran over to where I fell on my knees, tears falling down freely.

"Will Cassie be ok?!" She cried, looking at me. I opened my arms up and cried together. Ofelia wrapped us both in her arms and we were all a big mess of tears and matted hair. The door burst open and I turned, surprised to see Cornelius and my brother looking down at us, confusion etched on their faces. I couldn't bring myself to talk, so I just buried my head back in the hug I was wrapped in.

"What happened?" Cornelius asked carefully. Ofelia responded.

"Cassie has the virus that's spreading around the castle."

"No." Kayden breathed, tears springing to his own eyes. My eyes slowly met his, and they seemed to be the only truth he needed. His own knees gave out underneath him as sobs wracks his body. Cornelius eyed us all with sadness, but there wasn't anything he could do.

"Explain this virus." Ofelia said, standing up and leaving the warmth of the hug to look Cornelius in the eyes.

"It's a forbidden spell placed by a faery. We're trying to figure out who cast it, but we assume it's one of Vivian's traitors." Cornelius explained, eyeing Ofelia.

"This is Ofelia, my best friend." I managed to get out between my sobs.

"Cornelius, crown prince of the dark fae." Cornelius introduced himself to Ofelia, who smiled slightly.

The negative energy in the room was too much for me and I walked over to the bathroom, giving Odette to Ofelia. My eyes welled up as I thought about what needed to be done. Vivian has gone too far, and I refused to sit back and watch any longer. I had extreme suspicions about Violet being the culprit in this situation, as I haven't seen her since the love potion event. I knew she was up to something, but I wasn't sure what. Sinking feelings and images of Violet teaming up with my sister invaded my brain, and I silently screamed.

"Holy shit, Titania! Do you have to be sooooo loud?!" Izzalee's voice entered my mind again. I may actually be able to use her now.

"Izzalee, I need your help."

"What now?"

"I think it's damn well time to start practicing powers to kill Vivian."


"How do we go about doing this?"

"I'm not sure, but from my previous experiences, I have to pour energy into your veins where it'll flow into your original power source."

"Do it, I'm running to a place where no one can stop my training and I'm going to keep going for a week before pursuing Vivian's demise."

"Very well, I shall start the process now." 

"Good, I'll be running down now."

I quickly shut my mind down, devoid of any thought except running to the one place I knew I could practice. The forest. I climbed on the sink and reached out for the window, grabbing the handle to open it. When it was open, I summoned my air power so I'd be able to fly out. I had to start practicing, and the only way I could do that is if I had no interruptions.  I flew out the window and dodged gigantic trees. When I reached the border of the bridge, I looked to the forest. It was dark and eerie, and I felt uneasiness creeping into my spine. Something didn't feel right. Darkness loomed in the forest, and I saw shadows moving. I made an effort to avoid shadowy areas, not knowing what kind of creatures resided inside of the dark forest in front of me. When I found a non-shadowy part of the forest, I dived in, smiling as the wind made my hair fly. When I landed, my bare feet touched cold, hard grass. Something really wasn't right with this forest. I frowned as I dug my toes into the grass, and I gasped as I felt a wormy, slimy creature climb onto my foot.

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