Chapter 32

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After all of my training was complete, Marina said her farewells.

"It was an interesting opportunity meeting you, Titania." She said, slightly curtsying. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Likewise." In a big puff of smoke, Marina disappeared, leaving me with Sorcha. Sorcha looked at me and smiled.

"You've done well, Titania, but are you ready for the real challenge?" She asked, and I nodded eagerly. I just wanted to get this over with and fulfill my destiny. I didn't want any extra pain.

"I'm ready, Sorcha." She nodded at me and then raised her arms. She chanted words in Latin and I was sent flying back to my body. I watched every single faery in the room scatter upon a rapid beeping. Looking down, I noticed my body was in the bed, looking sickly and almost dead. I realized that the rapid beeping was my heart and I froze. I wasn't in my body yet, and I could tell it would be a challenge to get back in it. With the state my body was in, it would be painful and hard. Many familiar faces were sitting by my bedside, whispering words and crying. Cornelius, Ofelia, and Kayden all looked down with red, teary eyes. Black circles cradled them underneath their eyelids. I felt extremely guilty watching this, but I wasn't ready to go back yet. I needed to do some research, and I couldn't do this particular research while in my body.

Silently, I trailed away from the scene in the office. I knew what I was about to do was dangerous, but I had to get more information. Easily, this would be the stupidest thing I've ever done, but it was also the most important thing. Sighing, I looked back at all my loved ones and smiled sadly.

"I love you guys." I whispered, knowing they won't hear me. Sadly, I strolled away and into the corridors, which were bustling with fae. A particular pair of eyes that freaked me out stared into mine and I almost forgot about Skylar, the faery with the ability to see souls. She strolled towards me, black eyes glinting. Her black hair fell down to her shoulder blades, meeting with her pale skin.

"Skylar." I greeted her, attempting to smile.

"Princess Titania." She greeted me back, but didn't offer any smile. My smile faded away as I noticed she did not look happy to see me.

"What the hell?! Come with me, I have some questions for you." She growled. She grabbed my arm and I flinched. I thought being in a regular soul form meant I couldn't be touched, but Skylar proved that wrong. She pulled me out the large doors and stopped right in front of the bridge. She huffed a breath and growled.

"What the hell?! Why are you just roaming around the corridors?! Get into your body!" She screamed, getting quite a few glares from couples walking around the garden. I sighed.

"Skylar, I have something to do, so if you'll excuse me. Besides, I just got out of the in between." She looked at me and shook her head, but did as I asked. When she was gone, I raced across the bridge and flew through the death forest, needing to find my way back to the light palace, where my sister resided. I needed to find out more information. Vital information on defeating the demon queen who possessed my sister's body. I didn't care if I had to die for my sister to live, I'd rather her live a happy life as she's been deprived of one since age ten.

I wasn't pleased to see my old home when I arrived. All I saw was darkness and bad memories now, but I pushed those memories away. It hurt to see my home again, but I'd grieve for it another time, Now was the time for me to get information on how to defeat Valene. Shaking my head, I walked through the doors. Being a regular soul was so cool because I could just walk straight through doors!

The inside of the castle was different. I could feel negative energies surrounding every inch of the halls and beyond. I shivered as a chill ran up my spine at lightening speed. Something was off, and it wasn't the energy. Something felt vaguely familiar, yet not in a good way. A hand grabbed onto my transparent arm and I gasped when I saw who it was. Cyla, one of my best friends, stared at me with hatred and menace. Her normally lilac eyes were black with slight tips of gold at the edges. Her golden hair was now much longer, falling down to her hips. She growled at me and her skin started to shift. I could feel a presence in her, one that wasn't there before. I gasped when I realized what happened to her. Cyla was now shifting into an animal. I shut my eyes for a minute, and when I opened them, my best friend looked entirely different.

Golden fur now replaced Cyla's pale skin and hair. Her black eyes were now a shade of gold I've never seen before and she growled. My heart ached as I thought of what may have happened to her when I was gone. Now, Cyla Harrow was a werewolf and she could never be changed back.

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