Chapter 37

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1 hour later

"My feet hurt!" Ofelia complained from behind me. It's been an hour since we began our journey to the flaring mountains. Wisteria provided a portal for us, but we still needed to actually climb up the mountain.

Mount Madison was the tallest mountain in the flare mountains, rising at a alarming height of 30,000 feet. The hike would be long and slow, and I worried Valene would start a battle when we weren't even there. I refused to let Valene continue to take my sister's life away any longer now. If Vivian was still in there, the sister who actually cared for me, I was going to save her. I didn't care if I had to die for it.

"Titania, we should take a break." Cornelius said, looking at me.

"Alright, but not long, we still have quite a ways to go."

Cornelius looked around the trees, looking for a suitable landscape to rest at. He stopped upon finding a bunch of large rocks and pointed to them.

"Over there!" He shouted.

All four of us ran over to the rocks and sat down. There were four rocks with flat surfaces, perfect for resting purposes. I grabbed the bag I had slung over my shoulder and put it on my lap, opening it. I grabbed an apple for everyone and handed it to them. They all thanked me. I also grabbed some waters and handed it to them.

Once I closed the bag and put it beside me, I laid down on the rock and stared up at the sky. Today, the bright yellow sun  was brighter than ever and no clouds were in sight. Blue skies were all the eye could see, well, minus the sun. The temperature was also really nice. It appeared to be in the upper 70's, which was perfect for a hike, especially since there was a nice breeze. The breeze tickled my hair that was underneath my head. Feeling comfortable, I shut my eyes.


"Titania! Wake up!" Ofelia shook me, emitting a groan to escape my lips. I attempted to roll over, but fell off my sleeping area. I immediately opened my eyes and groaned as the light blinded my eyes.

"Why?" I mumbled, turning around on the grass. I just wanted to sleep.

"The mission, dummy!" I scrambled to sit up when she said that. I forgot about the mission! We needed to get that sword to defeat Valene once and for all!

As I tried to stand up, my legs wobbled and I almost tipped over. I growled at myself and tried to get up again, successfully making it up onto my feet. Ofelia was stifling a laugh but failing miserably. Stray giggles burst out of her, but as soon as she realized, she shut up. Only to have the process begin all over again.

Finally, Ofelia shut up entirely when I was standing without tipping over. I glared at her and she giggled. Rolling my eyes, I picked up my bag and headed away from my rock. Cornelius and Kayden were standing on the pathway, waiting for me and Ofelia. When they saw me, they started to look around for Ofelia. Footsteps sounded behind me and I turned around to find Ofelia, who was still laughing as if she saw a dancing Apple.

When we both reached the area Kayden and Cornelius were waiting, Cornelius hugged me from behind.

"Sleeping beauty fully awake now?" Ofelia and Kayden burst out laughing while I punched Cornelius's arm. He backed away and held his hands up in the air.

We should make him a horse to pay for that! Izzalee suggested.

No, I've got something in mind when we go to sleep.

I look forward to it!

I silently giggled as my mind raced. When Cornelius fell asleep, I would get some tree sap and change its color, then turn his face that color. Royal faeries also can change the color of just about anything.

"Let's get going, we still have quite a journey to get to the top." I said, taking the map and climbing up the steep path. The sun glared in my eyes and the usually blue sky had clouds filling it. One cloud in particular caught my attention though. It was thick and leveled, and flashes were showing in it. It was moving extremely fast and it almost looked like a Jett black color.

"Supercell!!" I shouted, turning around to face everyone. I pointed towards the cloud and they all gasped.

"We need to find a spot to hide out in!" Ofelia shouted. We all nodded at that. We'd have to make a tree house with wards surrounding it.

"Kayden, go find a tree. Cornelius, go with him and create the tree house together. Ofelia, come with me to find some supplies." I instructed everyone. Everyone mumbled 'yes' or 'ok' and we all headed out. Ofelia and I were going to find a few fruits on the mountain. Passionberry, which is a classic faery fruit, was known to be on Mount Madison. Even strawberries were around here. Supercells in the flare mountain range were known to be huge, long lasting storms that could tear anything down. And they moved extremely fast until they reached Mount Madison, where they resided for at least a day. Many legends and myths about these storms existed. Some say they were created by Valene to get revenge on Madison for making a sword that has the power to kill her. Some say the mountain is cursed. And others say Madison had a pet who was so agonized when she died, it began to create storms and sent them off to the mountains, where Madison died. Actually, Madison died on this exact mountain, hence, one reason it is called Madison.

"Over here!" Ofelia shouted, pointing to a bush she was standing next to. The bush had many passionberries and a strawberry bush was hidden behind it. I nodded and headed over.

When I reached the bush, I formed a basket with my magic and Ofelia and I began to pick the fruits. Passionberries were a colorful fruit, they kind of looked like dragonfruit, but had a much more strong pink and purple tint. They were huge too! The strawberries on amount Madison were relatively large, being firm and at least the size of my palm, which is quite tiny (for a palm).

Once Ofelia and I picked quite a few passionberries, we moved over to the strawberry bush. The strawberries in this bush were much larger than my palm. My mouth watered at the sight of them. Strawberries were some of my favorites.

After we completed our berry picking, we headed back to where we last saw Kayden and Cornelius. Although, as soon as we reached our designated location, a bolt of lightening struck the ground in front of us and we jumped back. A loud roar of thunder invaded our ears and we both jumped simultaneously.

"Well, it's beginning." Ofelia said, eyeing me fearfully. I nodded and frantically looked around for my brother and, well I don't know what Cornelius was to me yet, but something more than friends is evident.

Focus! Izzalee scolded me.

"There!" I shouted upon seeing two figures walking toward me and Ofelia.

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