Chapter 6

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The portal shimmered all around me as I floated through it. Portals never really were my thing, they kind of freaked me out. The shimmering mix of blue and purple blurred around me as I tumbled and the sensation of flying was evident. The portal spit us out when we reached a forest and I fell face first.

"Ouch." I grumbled. Cornelius landed on his knees. I envied him for being able to do that because my head was pounding.

"You good?" Cornelius asked me.

"Fine." I mumbled.

Cornelius offered me his hand and I took it, slowly getting up. Thankfully, my head wasn't bleeding. But it sure as hell did hurt.

"I'm just gonna sit for a minute." I told Cornelius as I plopped down on a flat rock.

"That's fine."

I took deep breaths as I calmed my head down. At this point, it just felt like a light ache, barely there. After a few minutes, Cornelius spoke up again.

"Ready to go?"


He offered me his hand again and I took it gratefully. As we walked, I looked around me and noticed the forest was a dark one. It's leaves were darker shades of green than I've ever seen in the light territory and the trunks were almost a pitch black color. The trees loomed over me, taller and more eerie than any I've ever seen. I shivered, and Cornelius gripped my hand tighter, silently reassuring me it'd be ok. I really hoped it would be, but I doubted it. I had a sinking feeling something bad would happen. A small cottage appeared in the distance and we walked straight towards it. When we reached it, Cornelius bowed.

"Welcome to your new temporary home, princess Titania." He said with a smile on his face. I laughed.

"Don't bother with formalities."

Cornelius opened the door to reveal a cozy cottage. We walked in and I took in my surroundings. On the right side of the door, there was a small kitchen. It had all the necessities, like a stove, oven, microwave, fridge and all that stuff. On the left side was a living room. It had one large couch and two rocking chairs. A tv was in the middle of the room, but I knew better than to think it'd work very well.

"I'm going to find the bedrooms!" I told Cornelius as I strolled away.

"Go ahead, I'll make us something to eat." I heard him say as I walked down the hall.

There were multiple doorways in the halls. One led to a small bathroom, another led to plain room and two led to bedrooms. I considered my options and took the bigger bedroom. It was only slightly bigger than the other, but they were both quite small. I called upon my shrunken bags to return to their normal size and they dropped on my feet.

"You've got to be flipping kidding me! Owwwwieeee!"

"You good in there?!" Cornelius called.

"Yes, Fine! Just had a little spell mishap!" I shouted back.

I groaned as I took the bags off my feet. They were heavy, but it didn't matter. I've been through worse. I have scars everywhere from Vivian's abuse. My thighs were even covered in red welts before.

"Dumbass turd." I whispered. I almost felt as if I heard her cackling maniacally. I'm not gonna lie, Vivian scared me now that I've escaped her wrath. When I was living under the palace roof with her, it was all about survival. Now? I never wanted to go back until she was dead.

Sighing, I went back to unpacking my things. I had packed a couple different nightgowns, dresses, skirts, shirts, shoes, books, and Cornelius packed the foods and stuff. Thank goodness for that, because I forgot to. I folded all the clothing up and put them in the drawers. I put the shoes next to the large bureau and fluffed up my hair. Sometimes I feel like doing that, but I don't know why. It's weird.

"Titania! Food's ready!" Cornelius called.

"Coming!" I ran out of the room, hearing my stomach growl. Cornelius sat at the small table with some fruits and an unknown food.

"What's that?" I pointed to the weird bread and cheese mix.

"Breadsticks. Made from bread, cheese, and a little bit of garlic. It's delicious. And that over there is pasta." He pointed to the weird tube shaped food. I shrugged and sat down, already drooling at the smell of the food.

"Here." Cornelius took some of the so called pasta out of the bowl and placed it on my plate. He also took some of the breadsticks and put them on my plate. I took the fork and dove into the pasta. I lifted the fork to my mouth and sighed as the taste invaded all my senses.

"Ohmygosh! This is so good!!" I immediately grabbed a breadstick and had a very similar reaction.

Cornelius laughed as I finished my entire plate in less than ten minutes.

"More of this! Make more for dinner!!" I said, excitement bubbling inside me.

"I'll consider it." He said, still laughing.


After we cleaned up our lunch, we sat in living room.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked.

"I'm going to look more into the relationship between my brother and your sister. And I heard something that said your youngest sisters and older brother are alive and hiding out with one of my advisors. I'll contact him today to see if there is anyway for a meeting to be set."

"Wait?! Odette and Cassie?! Kayden?! You can arrange for me to see them?!" I felt excitement bubble up. Cornelius smiled and nodded.

"But we still need to find out what's going on with the other two. Edward Crescent and Alla Death. They may be working with Moria and Henry as well."

"I assume they are. I don't like this, but I think there's something bigger than us going on. More of a power than even fae royalty."

"Elaborate." Cornelius's voice sounded cold, but I could see fear residing in his eyes.

"I have a bad feeling about something. I don't know what, but I feel it. A powerful force. More powerful than us and not from this world. Demon like." I shivered. Voicing out my fears only makes this whole situation more real.

"Demons? But they were destroyed by a very old faery Queen...."

"Today, we are going to learn about demon's history." Mrs. Druid said.

"I thought they were just a myth?" Carla asked.

"No, they existed once. They were defeated by a faery queen named Marina. Marina was a very powerful faery who defeated the demon lord, Lucifer. Her powers surpassed all rules we have followed. She had control over all elements and she had all known abilities that faeries have. It was quite a sight to see. She sacrificed herself for the good of the world. And the festival we have every July fourteenth? That's the festival to celebrate her sacrifice. To honor her."

"How did she save us?" Mia asked.

"She was prophesied years before to have to throw all her powers into a pit, and giving up your powers means death. She cast a spell which drained her of her powers and threw them into the pit, destroying Lucifer."

"That's so brave." Lissia admired.

"It was. Queen Marina was a very brave and selfless soul."

End of flashback
"I wish I could say I believe that." I said.

"What gives you that suspicion?" Cornelius asked me.

"I don't know, but I feel a dark evil presence."

Just as I said that, bangs sounded outside. I looked out a window to see a pair of red eyes staring at me.

"SHIT!" Both me and Cornelius screamed at the same time.

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