Chapter 39

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The next morning, I awoke with a start. My nightmare was so intense, and add on the conversation with Izz-Azalea, and you have the perfectly stressful night. I rolled over and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Tears were slowly welling up in my burning eyes as I thought about yesterday's conversation with Azalea. My life would be cut short because I would need to sacrifice myself to kill a demon queen and save the world. I wouldn't get another year to live, I'd probably only live for a few more weeks, if even.

Sheets ruffled on the other side of the room and I looked over to see Ofelia waking up. A low groan of annoyance left Ofelia as she rolled off of her bed to get up. Her eyes darted over to me and I realized I probably was still slightly crying.

"Titania! What's wrong?" Ofelia ran over to me, all traces of drowsiness leaving her. She handed me a tissue and hugged me. I couldn't tell her about my fate, yet. I'd have to tell everyone at the same time and deal with the outbursts then, especially Kayden. Kayden would freak out once I told him and I wasn't ready for that yet. We'd have to get the sword and I'd tell them once we get back to the dark palace.

"Nothing, just a bad dream." I told Ofelia, shaking my head. Her eyes still held concern, but she sighed softly, revealing she would stop questioning me. I sighed and turned around towards my bed, looking through a small crack in the tree stump. The thunder had stopped, but multiple trees had fallen prey to the monstrous lightening strikes. I walked away from the crack and back to my bed, sitting down.

Azalea? I need to talk to you.

How can I help?

How do I tell everyone what I have to do and calm them down should they freak out?

That will be tough, but the best approach is to spend extra time with them and say goodbye the day before the battle, and don't bother explaining the situation. You can't let anyone stop you.

I sighed and looked down at the plain sheets on my bed. Azalea was right, I needed to get this done and end it. I couldn't let emotions get in the way of the world's safety.

"We should get going!" I suddenly jumped up off my bed and ran towards the stairs. Ofelia's muttered curses and shouts sounded behind me as I ran down.

When I reached the bottom of stairs, I jumped down and headed towards the corner we stored a bag of fruits in. I stuck my arm in the bag and grabbed a passionberry. The pointy edges pinched my fingertips as I held it and brought it towards the other corner so Ofelia could get something. Slowly, I began to peel the pink and purple outer layer to get to the soft, yet firm fruit.

When I finished peeling the fruit, I threw the skin down on the floor and began to much on it. The fruit tasted like strawberries and apples combined, making it one of my favorites. Ofelia grabbed a passionberry and came to sit next to me. We both at our fruit in silence and soon, Kayden and Cornelius were coming down the stairs.  They both ran towards the fruit bag and came to sit next us, each holding a passionberry.

It was an awkward breakfast, where none of us really talked. Honestly, I kind of preferred this over talking right now because it gives me time to talk to Azalea.

Azalea? What are the directions to the peak we need to go to?

Just hike up to the nearest cave, and the peak will be there. The cave is now less than a two hour walk.

Thanks Azalea. Tell me more about what the sword looks like?

It's beautiful. It has emeralds, diamonds, opals, rubies, sapphires, and all those kind of gems. The hilt of the sword is adorned in them and the actual sword itself has a pink tint to it. It won't be hard to find once you're in the cave.

Thanks for all the help.

You're welcome, now go!

I sighed and closed Azalea off. Soon, I'd have the sword and would have no choice but to finish this battle and seal my fate. The world needs me, and I would protect it. I wouldn't die in vain.

Five minutes after we all finished our fruit, we grabbed our bags and headed out. The two hour journey was not easy at all. Azalea made it sound like it was easy, but so many twists and turns got in the way. Tumbling rocks fell from a higher area and flew down the mountain. Avoiding those rocks was hard. And then there were streams (I don't know how there are streams so high up), that got in the way. No bridge was available, so we just jumped onto large rocks in the middle of it. I almost slipped quite a few times. Thankfully, Cornelius always got me back on my feet.

After two hours of that excruciating torture, we arrived at the cave Azalea told me to find. It was a large cave with large, pointy crystals falling from the top.

"Is this where we need to be?" Kayden asked, nodding his head in the direction of the cave opening.

"Yes." I said. Kayden tried to walk into the cave, but an invisible force stopped him and he bounced straight back towards us, landing with a thump. Everyone began to whisper about what was happening and why Kayden couldn't get in, but I knew why. He wasn't a descendant of Sorcha.

"Kayden couldn't get in because he isn't a descendant of Sorcha. I'm the only one who can go in." I finally stated. All eyes turned to me with a mix of concern, confusion, and contemplation. Cornelius walked up to me and looked at me seriously. He grabbed ahold of my shoulders to pin me in place.

"Are you sure, Titania?" He asked, a degree of fear in his eyes. I sighed and nodded, which made a frown form on his face. He grabbed both of my cheeks and firmly pressed his lips against mine. I sighed into his kiss and relaxed as his touch comforted me. This may be one of the last moments I'd have with him, so I'd like to spend it in happiness.

I broke our lips apart and smiled lightly at him. He still had a large frown on his face, but a small twitch of a smile appeared. He wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace and sighed into my messy hair.

"Come back to me, Titania. This isn't over." With that final statement, Cornelius kissed my forehead and let go of me. Just as I was about to enter the large cave, Ofelia rushed at me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and began to sob. I didn't know how to comfort her, so I just hugged her back.

"You'd better survive this cave, Nia! I'm warning you! If you don't, I will hunt your ghost down and give you the biggest scolding of all!" She shouted while hugging me. She was starting to squeeze too tight.......

"O-Ofelia, too tight....." I wheezed out as she hugged me even tighter. She slightly sighed and loosened her hold, but not entirely.

"Never did I ever think we'd be on a mission of a lifetime like this." She whispered to me.

"Me either, Ofelia." I said to my best friend. She smiled through her tears and released me. She walked back to give Kayden room to talk to me. Kayden approached me slowly, as if I were an alien. I slightly laughed at him.

When he finally reached me, he hugged me tightly. I barely could breathe in his embrace, but, knowing Kayden, I didn't argue. He'd only squeeze tighter. He looked me right in the eyes as he sighed deeply.

"You be careful in there. I don't care if it means the whole world's safety, I need you alive. We all need you alive. Vivian needs you alive once she comes back to us. And she will come back to us." He whispered sternly.

If only he knew. I wasn't fated to survive the final battle.

Kayden let go of me and walked back to the others, who all eyed me. I smiled sadly at them and walked into the cave.

You ready for this? Azalea asked me.

Hell yeah I am.

With that, I stepped into the cave that would seal the fate of the entire world.

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