Chapter 26

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Eerie darkness surrounded my entire being as I felt myself slowly going back to my body. Out of body experiences sucked. Though, it did give me time to think about what the hell I just heard. I'm a descendant of Sorcha, just like Marina was. I'm half light and half dark fae. I'm even more powerful than Marina was. Marina, the most powerful faery ever, is apparently less powerful than I was. Which should be impossible. My soul flew back into my body and my eyes burst open. Finally, my vision was filled of light, and not entire darkness. My head ached and my arm felt heavy and limp. When I tried to move it, it wouldn't budge. Looking over, I noticed blood was still oozing out of my wound. I winced as I moved my other arm to try to stop the blood flow. I pressed my hand on the wound, but the blood still fell out of the wound freely, dripping down my arm and onto my blue dress. The feeling of slithering in my arm made me bolt out of touching the wounds.

"Stop it, Izzalee!" I screamed at her.

"Sorry, but even demons need to move."

"Just try to be gentler! It feels gross."


I silently cursed at Izzalee. I was kind of getting sick of all of the slithery feelings. Don't get me wrong, the powers were cool, but not the slithering. Low footsteps made me stand up whirl around to check each side of me. Without even telling her to do so, Izzalee imported her powers to my veins and to the center of all my magic. The now familiar feel of fire embraced me as my wings grew and horns formed atop my head. My new form may not be nearly as scary as some of the beast's in the forest, but it sure as hell made me more powerful. I could feel powers swirling inside of me and darkness and light combining. Twigs crunched behind me and I spun on my heel to find Ofelia, looking at me concerned.

"Titania?" She asked quietly. I nodded. She breathed out and looked at my new form. Her eyes widened as she took in the new size of my wings, and the new horns protruding from my head.

"You look different." She stated the obvious.

"I know. I combined myself with Izzalee, who is my demon, and joined our powers. Now Vivian has no chance of beating me." I said, admiring my work.

"We did this together. Don't you forget that, Titania."

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah."

Ofelia's gaze dropped to my arm, where blood was gushing up and solidifying. Her mouth gasped open.

"Titania! What happened to you?! Are you ok?!" Ignoring my form, Ofelia ran over to me and grabbed my arm. Quickly, I dropped the fire and forced Izzalee to take her magic back. I would not burn my best friend.

"I'm fine, got attacked by one of the human corpse monster thingys, but I'm all good." I gave her thumbs up, and smiled slightly.

"Ofelia?" Kayden's voice called. Both me and Ofelia turned around to find Kayden walking from behind trees. He looked at my new form the same way Ofelia did.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see my little sister turn into a powerful faery-demon." He said, looking at the horns on my head. I smiled up at him.

"Titania?! Where the hell are you?!" Cornelius's voice broke through the forest, and I flinched at the sound of desperation in his voice.

"She's with us!" Kayden called, looking to the trees. Every tree within a twenty mile radius of my exact location was burned to cinders, and char littered the ground. The forest of death now really said death. Cornelius popped up from behind one of the dead trees and ran over to me. I grunted as he lifted me in his arms and squeezed. He sighed.

"I was so worried when they said you were in the forest fire. Imagine my surprise when I heard you caused it. And they told me why you have this new appearance." He gently put me down, but then he noticed the blood oozing from my cut.

"Please don't tell me that was Vivian?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I shook my head.

"No, it was pirara." I told him. Cornelius cursed. Ofelia and Kayden eyed us with confusion written on their faces. Cornelius noticed and rushed to explain.

"Pirara are beasts made from corpses of fae who died in the death forest." Kayden and Ofelia both looked terrified as Cornelius said that. Stomps sounded in the distance and all four of us whirled around and were met with a nauseating scene.

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