Chapter 4

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It's been a week after Harry return from the hospital and through his whole week harry was continuously asking about his daughters for luke but he was again and again just repeating only one think " Harry baby!! How many time should I tell you we never had a daughter, you had a miscarriage "

Harry know Luke was doing this all on purpose. Harry looked around the house there was not even a single picture of his daughter. Even luke turned her room to a storeroom. In the whole house, there was not even a single thing related to her like everything just disappear, like she never existed.

Harry still remembers the day he walks into the house from the hospital,. He was shocked that there was not even a single thing related to his daughter he shouts for her, he yells her name, hoping she will come running to him and hug him from somewhere but that never happens.

He yelled at Luke saying he did something to his daughter. he, again and again, ask for him but he didn't reply they both get in a heated argument that day. He cries for his daughter, he numerous times beg luke to tell him where is his daughter but all luke said was " Harry you know I love you right!! Then Why will I do something like that? You never had a daughter"

Harry sign for the hundreds time and sit up in his bed. He walks to zayra's room and stands in the door steeps. He roams around the room which was now turned to a storeroom.

"Maybe, if I look around the whole house possibly I can find something related to her!! Y-Yeah " harry mumbles to himself.

Suddenly, luke appears from nowhere and stand beside harry. He wrapped his arms around Harry and place his head on Harry's shoulder.

"What are you doing here babes?" Luke asked.

" Nothing " Harry replied.

" let's have lunch then " luke suggested.

"No umm am not hungry. You eat I'll be in my room " Harry replied and want to his room.

He knows he can't search for his daughter, while luke is near or some. He just didn't get it why he is doing all this. He can't even call his mother because she broke all her contacts with him when he marries luke. His mother always said that luke was no good but he didn't hear her and marry him ruthlessly. He knows it was a mistake but now what. He can't change his decision now.

Harry lay in his bed glaring at nothing particularly. Luke entered the room after some time " Harry!! Baby look at me "

Harry didn't respond and continued glaring at the wall. " Harry look at me" harry look at luke this time and he had handcuffs in his hand and a blindfold.

Harry's eyes widened when Luke smirk mischievously. He took some slow steps towards Harry " L-Luke I am not i-in the mood t-today please I-I just w-want to b-be alone for s-sometime " Harry stuttered.

"Ohh come on Harry. You know I will make you feel so good " that's a lie harry never felt anything when they had sex. He feels all numb.

"P-Please l-luke try to understand, " Harry said hoping he will understand.

He jumps on the bed and handcuffs Harry with the bed's headboard. Harry tried to free himself from luke but he had a strong grip on him.

" LUKE LEAVE ME ALONE " slap! Luke slap harry across the face.

"DID YOU GET IT NOW WHO'S THE BOSS" luke shouted on harrys face.

Harry flinched and tears started to fall from his eye..

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