Chapter 30

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Liam, Louis, and Niall arrived at the destination zayn messaged them and stepped in the old building without making any sound.

They walked further in the building as they walked in the sound of someone screaming increase. When they entered the hallway. They saw the horrible scene of there own friend being beaten up. Someone was sitting Zayn's chest and punching him. The person's face was covered with a black mask or something.

They all run to him and pulled the person back. Liam punched him rapidly while Niall and Louis both run to Zayn and Louis slap his cheeks to check if he is ok or not. "Zayn, oh my God Zayn are you ok?" He was still breathing but maybe unconscious.

Liam uncovered the men's face and gasp at what he saw. Louis and Niall turn to him with a frown.

When Liam turns javaad face to his friends. Their face turns to shock to anger." It's you!!!"

Louis and Niall looked at each other and nods, they both march to javaad and punch him one by one. " We should have known it's you, " (punch)

"It's for questioning Joshua's loyalty!!"A hard punch landed on his jaw and he falls on the dirty floor unconscious

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"It's for questioning Joshua's loyalty!!"A hard punch landed on his jaw and he falls on the dirty floor unconscious.

when they both felt satisfied they both smirked and left to help zayn. "I think we should call the cops?" Liam suggested.

"No, we can't, we will deal with him ourselves!!" Louis said with a sign and walked more in the room to see there is one more body laying on the floor unconscious blood covering his body. Louis chuckles and pointed Liam to take him too and then turns to Niall.

Who was busy studying Zayn wounds, liam called the ambulance for zayn and tired javaad and the other body too with a rope and taking them both out of the house while Louis walked further to hear some voices like muffled in clothes coming from a room.

Louis entered the room to see Joshua trying to a chair with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. Louis quickly runs to him and pull the cloth out of his mouth and free him from the ropes.

Joshua hugged Louis" Thanks man," Joshua said while rubbing his sore wrists. They both head to the hallway and to see Zayn and Niall both of them were gone and Liam was studying the room for some clues.

"Let's go" Liam look up from where he was looking for a clue which is in the corner and saw Joshua standing neck to Louis. " Where did you find him?" Liam asked and give a side hug to Joshua.

"In one of the rooms!!" Louis answered and they all walked to the hospital where Niall was waiting for them to arrive. Niall looked at them and then at Joshua. He smiled at him and give him a bottle of water.

"What did the docter said?" Louis asked and they all looked at Niall for some sort of answer. "Nothing serious just unconscious can walk up any second." He said with a chuckle. They all nod and take a seat in waiting for their friend.

"Should I call Sara?" Niall asked teasingly to light up the atmosphere, a little. "Yeah man, she had been crying nonstop" Liam smirked and Louis chuckled. Joshua turned red from the teasing.

"I-It's not l-like that, it's j-just......." Joshua cut himself and looked away to hide his blush. Liam and Niall chuckled while Louis copied Joshua "I-Its not l-like that, it's j-just..." They all burst out laughing and Joshua turned more redder if that even possible.

A nurse opens the door and informed them." Mr. Malik is up"

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