Chapter 36

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On the deal day.

Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Joshua. They all wear sitting outside of the warehouse in their van where the meeting was going to be held. Joshua passed everyone one earpiece. So they all can content with each other and guns to defend themselves. 

"Guys, hear me. If something happens and I tell you to run. Then it means to run without thinking about anything else and I am not informing you. I am ORDERING you all even you Joshua. " Zayn told all of them and glaring at Joshua. Joshua tried to argue but zayn interrupts him.

" That's it. I don't want any more arguments on this topic " Zayn informed. They all looked out of the car and the warehouse was turned to a beautiful party hall form front. It was already past 8:00 clock and he knows that they finished there deal and now any minute they place her on the ship and then they will trade his daughter.

Zayn took a deep breath and nod at his friends. They all silently left the van and followed Zayn. Zayn was leading them all on the backside of the warehouse. Two men were standing outside of the warehouse. Zayn turns to his friends and put his finger on his lips in a way to tell them to keep quiet.

Zayn and Liam nod at each other. They both walked towards the guys and put their hands on their mouth to prevent any noise. Zayn and liam knocked them out and motion for their friends to follow. Zayn opened the door and looked around to see no one is inside but they can hear the music from the other side.

Zayn turns to Niall" Ni, you stay here if anyone comes inform us. Ok?" Niall nods and wears the black mask that the guards were wearing.

The rest of them moved forward and Zayn looked around while moving further in the warehouse. The more further they go they see no one was there. Zayn frowned but didn't comment. Joshua looked at Zayn questioning, zayn shrugged in reply.

Liam and Louis smiled at each other. " It's easy see. They fear me" Louis commented. No one replied but keep walking towards the staircase.

Zayn nods at them when they walked on the first floor to tell them they all should split and look for Zayra. Zayn opened the first door but nothing. Second, third and suddenly his eyes landed on a black wooden door. He pushed it open and there she was.

She was sitting on the floor with head on her lap, brushes covering her small body. She was wearing a yellow dress which was a bit tore and when he saw that his heart brock. He creaks open the door, she looked up her eyes were the same as zayn. She flinched and moved backward with tears in her eyes.


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