Chapter 27

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"Joshua are you ready to go," zayn asked looking at Joshua who was a bit nervous.

"I am ok!! Zayn." Joshua said, regardless, opening the door of his side.

They both were standing a few steps hiding behind a tree,  away from the warehouse where Luke's minions work and new people join the gang.

They all planed on sending Joshua to the warehouse and he will try to get as much information as he can. They don't have much time to plan anything else. So, they are going with the javaad plan. Joshua and zayn still doubt javaad and George but they don't have serious proof against them.

"Joshua, Thank you so much for doing this for me, for my daughter, for my family. It really means a lot to me" zayn said with sincerity in his eyes.

"Zayn, you are like my bro and my family too. It's nothing and remembers you once saved my mom's life by taking care of her medical. Bills. I am just doing a favor bro." Joshua said with a warm smile on his lips.

They both nod at each other and Joshua opens the door of his side before Joshua could step out zayn enveloped him in his arms." Joshua, if anything bad happens or you feel like something went wrong straight run from there and your phone had a GPS tracker and one is in your shoe and there is a button in your left shoes. If you feel like you fucked up and there is no way to run out. Press that button and I will get alert to save you." Zayn said with a shaky breath.

"Thank you zayn!" Joshua nods at him and walked out of the car to the warehouse. He took a deep breath and last time look in zayn's direction.

The first thing that Joshua noticed was that there were two well-built men we're standing on the main door. He walked in there direction with his bow down and his hoodie covering half of his face.

"Where do you think you are going, boy?" One of them asked him, he points at the door and started walking again but a strong grip on his shoulder stops him to walk further.

"Where do you think you are going, boy?" One of them asked him, he points at the door and started walking again but a strong grip on his shoulder stops him to walk further

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Joshua smirked and in a blink of a second, he flips the men hand from his shoulder and kicks his legs by which the men fall on the ground. The other man steps aside from his way and runs to his other mate to help him out.

Zayn watches the whole scene with wide eyes and blinks a few times to make sure the scene happens that he is not dreaming. He does, know that Joshua is strong and workout every day but he didn't know that his friend is a good fighter too.

Joshua looked back and smirked in zayn's direction, Joshua turns to open the door and walked further in the building. Everyone was busy in their own work. Lifting boxes from one place to another, and few of them were busy answering the phone and all. Everyone was dressed in black clothes and a gun in their hands or attached to there waist.

One of them notices Joshua and walked to him" What are you doing here boy? Or do you have a death wish?" He said with a smirk.

" I am here to meet the boss. I too want to join the gang!!" Joshua said with a eyes roll, hiding begin his hoodie.

"Ok!! Follow me!" The men said walking up the stairs." By the way, I am Austin." He introduced himself.

Austin opened the door for Joshua and let him slip in. Austin closes the door for their boss and Joshua to talk alone. Joshua's eyes roam around the room, his eyes landed on him. He was sitting in the middle of the room with a girl on his lap sucking his neck.

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