Chapter 5

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He handcuffed harry on the bed and kiss him on the lips. He didn't even notice that harry was not even kissing him back.

Well, it's not for the first time he slapped or abused harry. Harry always thinks that it will be the last time because luke every time apologizes and promises to be better but that never happens. 

Luke started to kiss on harry's expose neck and started nibbling on it and leave some wet kisses there. 

Harry was trying to free himself. He was feeling sentimental about all this and want to throw up. Harry made a gagging sound and Luke slap him again.

Luke started to pull his pants down and kiss his clothes crotch. Harry biting his lips. Harry doesn't want to do all this. All he wanna do is run away from all this with his daughter to his lover but now he knows that he can't even go to him. He will never accept him again.

Luke pulls down Harry's boxer and shoves his finger inside Harry without any warning. Harry cried in pain and clinch on the handcuffs. after some time he pulls out his fingers and replaces it with his dick.

Luke thrust in Harry and try to find his protest. A drop of sweat started to fall from his forehead and he kisses harry again. " harry moan. Don't fight back your moans.  " luke said and smirk .but little did he know all harry was feeling was numb.

Harry plastic moan for him and tears started to fall from his eyes. luke though they were the tears of pleasure but harry was crying because he was feeling so helpless for himself.  His daughter whom he loves the most Is god know where to be found and here is this guy using his body for his own pleasure.  Luke was having his orgasm as he thrust in him and moan his name pathetically.

Harry passes out in his own orgasm and luke Cum inside Harry. He shakes harry many times after he comes down from his high but Harry didn't respond. Luke checked his breath and thought maybe he pass out.

Luke stands up to take a shower for himself and wants to the bathroom. When he comes back with a towel to clean harry up. He saw Harry didn't even release. He signs and sits next to harry on the bed to free him from the handcuffs.  He unlocks them and throws them on the Floor. " Harry baby you know that I love you but you hurt me. You lie to me all these years. And now  you need a lesson so you don't do that ever ag ---" 

Unexpectedly Luke's phone started to ring. interrupting him with his talk He saw the screen and it was his men. Luke answer the phone and place it near his ear.

"Boss!! She didn't eat anything. she's saying she wants to go home " Luke's men said.

"If she doesn't want to eat. Let her starve!! I don't care. just don't let her die and I'm coming tomorrow " luke hang up the call and pet Harry's cheek and said " poor baby!! She wants to meet you but guess what she can't "

Luke lay beside harry and fall asleep but did he know that Harry heard him clearly and perfectly. Harry placed his hand on his mouth to stop himself from making any noise.

He quickly checks Luke's phone and copies the number to his own phone and prays to God that his daughter is a fine line.


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