Chapter 23

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Zayn frozen on his spot.  He knows he just didn't lose him, he lost the love of his life, his half heart, his half soul, mother of his daughter, his daughter. He didn't even get to meet him.

Why life has to play a cruel game with me? Why can't I have him? Why he has to leave in the middle of all of the mess when I need him the most? No, he can't leave me. He is not dead he is faking it. He promised to stay with till the last breath. How can he leave me alone?

"I am Shawn Mendes. I am handling Harry case, he lost too much blood and--" Docter was explaining to Liam, Louis, and Niall about Harry's condition that how they lost him and there were hearing him with an emotionless face, Louis had tears in his eyes but he was strong for his best friend, Sara was crying on Joshua's shoulder and he was rubbing her back gently trying to be strong for her, but zayn he was the worst, tears in eyes, handshaking, sweaty palm, ready to broke in front of everyone. So, he interrupted them.

" Stop it, he is not dead. Don't you cry till I came back. I want to meet him" Zayn shouted at the doctor making him flinch. He turns to Sara and gives her a warning glare, to stop crying. She whipped her tears and nod at zayn.

The doctor nods and gestures him to follow him to ICU. Zayn walked past everyone to the ICU room and saw harry lifeless body. Just when his eyes landed on him. He broke, tears started together in his eyes but he didn't give them permission to fall.

Harry's body was pale, his hands were attached to an IV machine, his heart monitor was showing a straight line. He wasn't taking a breath, laying on the bed lifeless. Showing no sign of life in his body.

Zayn sniffs and took a seat near his bed, the doctor left him alone and a nurse was present in the room with zayn, in chance if anything happens

" Harry, baby wake up. See zee in here, your zee. Wake up. You promise to stay with me till my last breath. See I am breathing. I know you are mad at me because I shouted on you, I am sorry. Now come on wake up don't play this game with me.  Please wake up. You know I can't live without you. If you left, you will take my heart with you, my soul. You are my everything, I can't lose you after all these years. you know I lost a part of me every time you walk away from me. You know I am just half a heart without you, a dead man walking in the world with one shoe. I am sorry for my all mistakes. Please forgive me for all the mistakes I have ever done. You know I all die with you. With you, I'm alive. You know when I am with you it's like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide I will never be able to live happily ever without you baby. Please Harry, please I beg you. Don't leave me alone." Zayn started crying at the end of his speech. The nurse also has teras in her eyes as she heard zayn's speech. She put a hand on Zayn's shoulder in a comforting way. Telling him to get out of the room.

Zayn hugged harry tightly one time and stand near the bed. He wiped his tears" Harry wake up. I am saying for the last time I know you want to see me cry. See I am crying your zee is crying. You happy now come on wake up. Come on its not funny. You can prank everyone but not me. Wake up not for me but for zayra. Please. You know we have to find her. " zayn states raising his voice with clicking his finger but he lowers his voice in the end. His tears fall on Harry's face making it look like Harry is crying. 

Suddenly Harry's hand did a little movement making nurse and zayn's face snap in its direction. Zayn looks at the nurse and she nods at zayn before running outside to call the docter.

Zayn hugs harry and Harry took a deep breath having a problem in breathing. " please don't leave me." He whispered in Harry's ear.

" Doctor he is breathing again!!" Nurse yellowed outside, the doctor was talking to lilo and Niall about some paperwork, Sara was crying on Joshua's shoulder. Everyone's head snaps in her direction and he rushed in the room.


Once the damage is done it can't be mixed again, because it's for a life time.

Smooches love you all !!!

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