Chapter 42

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Harry hugged back Louis and cried till there are no more tears left in his eyes. He pulled back and then Liam come to them holding his baby girl in his hands. Harry holds his arms out for his baby and Liam hand him his baby.

Harry kiss Zayra's forehead and enveloped her in his arms. She snuggled in Harry's chest. Harry looked at his baby's face and then at Zayn's room. He stands up from his spot and walked to the chairs sitting there.

The other boys observe him and Liam thought to keep what happens a few minutes ago to himself. They all shared a worried look at each other and then sit beside Harry.

"Harry, you should go back to your room. One of us will wait here if something happens we will call you." Joshua said, looking at his other friends they all nods at Harry.

Harry let out a deep breath but didn't say anything. He keeps stroking Zayra's head and looked down at his lap not preparing to leave anytime soon.

All the boys share a look and they got it that Harry is not going to listen to them. They all sigh and thought of buying food for all of them. "Humm. Joshua, you stay here. Me, Niall, and Liam will bring some food for all of us " Louis said and gestures to Liam and Niall to follow him.

Suddenly when they all were about to leave Sara entered the hallway and run to Joshua. Crying her eyes out on his shoulder. Harry didn't move or lookup. He was gazing at the door for doctors to come out.

Niall, Liam, and Louis thought about leaving them to themselves and walked in the hospital canteen. They walked in silence and then Louis broke the silence.

"What happens to Zayra? She had tears stain on her cheeks?" Louis asked suspiciously.

Liam and Niall look at him thinking that when did Louis become so observing. Louis look at there faces and the chuckled. "Oh come on peasants!!"

Liam and Niall shake his head. Then Niall turns to Liam so he can explain what happened to her. "Guys when I walked in the room she wasn't there at that time ----" Liam told them about how he found her under the bed and how she back off from him. His eyes fall and he sadly smiled at his friends.

"Don't worry bro!! She just has to want to through so much in such a little age." Niall said putting his hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam nods and Louis smile at him.

They bought food for Joshua and Harry and some coffee too. When they all come back Sara was trying to take to Harry and Zayra who didn't reply much.

She sadly looked at Joshua and then to the lads. They handed food to each other, sharing their food. "Harry takes this." Louis handed him a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Harry looked at Louis's hand and then at his face. He shakes his head and again started to gaze at the door. 

"Harry, have some at least not for us but for Zayra. Come on!!" Louis said gesturing to Zayra, Harry nods, and then he shakes his baby girl a little.

She wakes up from her sleep and then she rubbed her face in Harry's neck cutely. They all cooed at her and Harry stroke her head and make her eat a sandwich. She took it silently and all the boys observe her.

Smiling as she started to take small bites of sandwich. Harry rubbed her back gently and Liam handed her a juice carton. She looks at Harry and then back at Liam's hand. Harry smiled at her and then she hesitatingly took the juice from Liam's hand.

They all smiled and Liam ruffled her hair. Harry just drink the coffee and waited for the doctor to come. After they were all done eating.  A docter entered the hallway leaving Zayn's room. Harry's eyes light up and he runs to her.

"Are you here for Mr. Malik?"


Who is here for Mr. Malik? Hands up in the air!!! 🙋‍♀️

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