Chapter 39

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Harry woke up from his slumber with a scream of his lover's name. He was sweating continuously. His hands were shaking his eyes were filled with tears. He looked around him to process where he is. He was in a hospital bed with an IV machine attached to him.

He started to pull the tubes but as much as he pulled them they shrink in his arms drawing blood out of them. He cried out loud in pain, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Doctors and nurses rushed into his rooms and Harry started shaking in fear. "Zayn!!Zayn.!!!" He shouted for his lover, looking at the door with pleading eyes. Hoping he will enter now, he will come rushing towards him but that never happened.

Doctors injected Harry with some drugs to calm him down after sometimes he felt calm. He was still looking at the door with pleading eyes.

When Niall, Liam, Louis, and Joshua entered the room with Zayra In their hand. Niall's hand was covered in bandages, Liam's ankles were also wrapped in bandages, Louis's hand was wrapped in plaster. Joshua was the only one who doesn't have any major injury, only his face was brushed.

Harry's eyes, lighten up when be saw Zayra. He smiled and open his arms for Zayra she falls into his arms and hugs her for his dear life, he kissed her cheeks, forehead rapidly. She silently cried in his arms and kissed his cheeks.

She looked at his face and then at his hands which were still connected to tubes. Docter started to pull out the tube carefully and every time Harry whine in pain, Zayra cried out and glares at the nurse. If looks could kill the nurse would have been dead still now.

Everyone chuckled at her behavior and smiled at each other. They took the empty seat on the couch in the room exhaling out loud. When the nurse finished her work, Zayra quickly pulled out Harry's hand from her hold and again glared at her.

The nurse pouted and left the room. Harry again started to star at the door waiting for his lover to come and show his face. Zayra sit in Harry's arms soundlessly and kissed his knuckles. Harry looked at his friends for an explanation. why he is not here.

They shared a look at each other than at Harry. Zayra was tired from all the events that happen to her today. She once again looked at the lads and smiled a little at them and fall asleep in Harry's arm. Harry caressed her hair lightly and kissed her cheeks again.

Harry thought maybe Zayn don't want to see his face ever again that's why he didn't show his face till now. Other why what can be more important than checking on his own lover. Harry whipped his tears and again started to star at the door silently praying to God for his lover to show his face just for once.

Louis carefully calls for Harry and Harry looked at him with hopeful eyes. " Thank you so much, guys, for saving my daughter!" Harry hums and then turns his attention back at Zayra.

"Harry, Zayn-" Liam started but Harry cut him off. " it's no problem he doesn't have to come and check on me. I am fine!" Harry said with a broken voice. Joshua and Niall shared a look.

"Harry, George shoots Zayn just upper his heart. He is in critical condition."

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