Chapter 31

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When Joshua entered the room, Luke was sitting on the chair with a bitch sitting between his leg and sucking his neck. Joshua felt disgusted at the sign, Luke sign him to turn around with his fingers and hands back. Joshua did as told and turn to the wall not in the mood to look at there beautiful fuck PDA.

"Who the fuck are you?" Luke asked as the girl on his lap suck on his fingers. Joshua didn't look at them but tried his best to explain who he is here.

"Joshua!!" Joshua said boldly and moan started to come from those two fucking disgusting creatures. Joshua turns to see the bitch jumping on Luke's dick and he is leaning back on the chair.

Joshua turns again and stops himself to gag at the sign. There was literally no one was in the room beside the dog and bitch and Joshua himself. Joshua rolls his eyes at the wall " If you are busy I can come after a few minutes." No reply, he waited for a few more minutes but still no reply, he decided to leave just as he opens the door a hard punch delivered to his jaw. He groans in pain and punches back with all his might.

It was like this for a few minutes punches, kicks, and slaps. "Beat him till he can't fight back," Luke said to his men's and they all started to come one by one everything was ok. Joshua was handling everything well. He beat everyone's ass and proudly stand in between the room with a bloody ankle.

"So, what do you want? I am impressed." Luke asked him while looking at his men in the room almost dead and zipping his pants.

"I want to join your gang," Joshua said with a smirked. Luke raises his eyes brow at him and pushes the bitch away from him.

"Humm....who do you work for?"Luke asked with a smirked and Joshua's smirk faded. " No one" Joshua replied confidently looking in Luke's eyes for a split of seconds luke though maybe he is saying the truth.

"Joshua, why do you want to join our gang?" Luke asked and lean a little on the table with a grin. Joshua frown"umm..." he scratches the back of his neck.

Luke smirked"No, No let me tell you why you wanted to join our gang has a seat darling," he said, pointing a finger to the chair in front of him. Joshua took the chair hesitating.

" You wanted to join our gang. So, you can win my trust and know about the small bitch right? Hmmm. What was her name...Ummm Zaun, Zara, Zola, Zayra yeah zayra and tell that to Zayn fucking Malik don't you?" Luke said standing from his stop, Joshua froze in he spot and swallow thickly." But guess what baby, I changed the plan now, I will sell her very soon. If you want to save her then, you only have--" he cut himself and Joshua got pale in his seat.

"We only have?" Joshua said with his head down, knowing very well that their plan gets failed. " Nha-Nha darling they not we" Luke chuckled and motion his men to hostage him.

3 men's entered the room and 2 of them were wearing a black face mask. Joshua panicked and jumped from his seat, in front of them to fight.

It was him who punched first, the guys stumble a little on his feet but come again to punch Joshua, then the second one comes with him. Joshua punched the first one in guts and kick the second one in his balls. The second one falls on the floor while holding his balls and the first one comes to punch him again but Joshua blocks his punch and twists him in his arms for a headlock. Just as he pulled the mask from his face, he snorts in anger to see it's javaad.

Just then the third one hit a bottle of wine on javaad head and he falls on the floor drifting to unconsciousness in the world of dark but hearing the last words of Luke very neatly and clearly

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Just then the third one hit a bottle of wine on javaad head and he falls on the floor drifting to unconsciousness in the world of dark but hearing the last words of Luke very neatly and clearly.

" Only 6 days"


Oh my God, I am such a bitch. I swrry for not updating regularly. Plhse, frog guiv ma.

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