Chapter 53

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Everyone, congratulations them and left. It was a really beautiful evening for the Malik family and now it was time to open the secret to Zayra. To finally tell her who her real baba is.

So, when everyone left almost Zayn's family and their friends were left to leave. Zayn already told his family about what happened with Luke and Zayra being his daughter. she understood it and give Zayra and Harry her blessings. Yeah!! Yeah!! Zayn too.

So, Harry took Zayra from Trisha, and then they all left in their car. When Zayn and Harry were the only ones left in the mansion with there Daughter. They both shake Zayra a little and she squeezes her eyes shut.

"Zayra baby please wake up dadda and  Superman zee. Wants to talk to you about something!!" Harry said, shaking her a little. She opens her eyes one by one and rubs them.

"I know you are tired princess but I need to talk to you!!" Zayn said taking her in his, own arms. She happily wants and kisses his cheeks.

They all walked inside the mansion and took a seat on the floor. The seat in the circle with balloons surrounding them. Zayra took one in her hand and squeezed it.

They all fall in silence, Harry looked at Zayn and Zayn nods back at him. Not knowing how to tell her. So, finally, Harry took a deep breath and said the words.

"Baby, Zee Superman is your real papa!!" Harry said with a nervous smile. Zayra stopped playing and looked at her dadda and then Zayn.

"Yeah, Dadda, Zee superman proposed to you. That means I am his daughter now!!" She said with. a giggle escaping her mouth. Zayn and Harry shared a look. Their daughter was only 3 years old but she was matured enough to understand this all drama.

"No baby, I mean Luke is not your blood father. Zayn is your blood father!!" Harry said again trying to tell her. She frowned a little and looked at Zayn and walked towards him.

"Zee, You left dadda, why? " She asked with tears in her eyes, walking backward, from her father. First, they didn't get it what she means. Zayn looked at Harry who looked as confused as him. When Zayn again looked at his daughter she was looking at him a questioning look. Then he got it.

"Baby!! No. No. I didn't leave your dadda when he was pregnant with you!! Luke's evil man took him away from me. I tried to find him but I couldn't find him. Baby!! Believe me, I am telling the truth you can even ask you dadda. I love you.!!" Zayn explained walking towards her, hugging his precious daughters close to his heart. She sobs in his arms.

"Y-you re-ally m-my p-papa!!" She said between her sobs. "Why didn't you come first, he used to beat me. I never told Dadda about it. He hated me. He said you left us, Papa!!" She continued Harry had tears in his own eyes. He never knew that Luke uses to beat her. Now he remembers why his Zayra doesn't want to let alone with Luke.

"I am so sorry baby!! It's all my fault, I am sorry!!" Harry said hugging his fiancee and his daughter. "I am sorry to the baby. Please forgive us. We will never leave you alone.!! Ever again!!" Zayn continued asking for forgiveness from his daughter. He was crying to he never know that his daughter was hurt all these years.

"I love you, baby, now I would never let you go. I promise!!" Zayn whispered in his daughters, ear like it's there secret. She holds her pinky out for his father.

"Pinky promise?" She asked with still tears in her eyes. Zayn smiled a little and kissed her forehead.

"yes, pinky promise!!" He wrapped his big pinky around her small pinky finger and She kissed his cheeks.

"I love you baba!!"

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