Chapter 45

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Harry looked at him with the hurt he knows he, himself created this. It's his fault that his boobare is this broken and it's his fault. " I am sorry!! I am really am. I didn't know what was I doing back then. When I left I was helpless. I don't want to be a burden to you that's why I left. please forgive me!" Harry said ashamed of himself, tears falling from his eyes. 

Everyone was quiet in the hallway, Liam was holding Zayra covering her ears. So, she wasn't wake up from her dada's and Lou uncle's argument. Niall was gripping the chair watching them intensely hoping they will figure out everything between them. Joshua and Sara holding hands looking at them with hope in their eyes.

They all know how much Louis means to Harry and how much Harry means to Louis. When they were small Louis was the closest to a fatherly figure to Harry. Louis was elder than him and always guide him in the right direction like a father to his son.

And when Harry left them all without a goodbye, Louis felt like he failed. He failed as a father. He uses to cry to himself missing his Hazza and now his Hazza is standing in front of him with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, Louis pulled Harry in a tight hug. Harry cried in his shoulder while rubbing his back gently. "It's ok you are ok everything is ok now!" Louis softly mumbles in his ear. He knows that he can't stay mad at his Hazza for too long and he doesn't even want to stay from his Hazza any longer.

Everyone smile at them and join them in a group hug. When they all pulled away Harry turn to look at each of them and thanked them.

"I am really sorry for how I treated you guys. I am really sorry!" Harry said looking at them, whipping his tears with a pad of his thump.

"It's ok we all forgive you but please never leave us, Harry. We missed you!" Niall said giving Harry a hug. A brotherly hug that Harry really needs the most.

"Yeah, Harry please and now we even have our first niece our princess we all going to spoil her," Liam said looking at Zayra's face kissing her forehead. They all nod in anticipation.

"Spoil her as much as you want. She is all yours!" Harry chuckled, Louis, moved forward the 2 years old almost 3 years old girl to scope in his arms.

He took Zayra from Liam " When is her birthday?" Louis asked out of nowhere. Zayra was still sleeping, she wasn't in a bad condition. They took care of her bruises before coming to Harry. "10th October 2018" he mumbled. But loud enough for them to hear.

"Holy mother of Jesus. You mean in four days. " Joshua gasp and everyone laughed at his reaction.

Zayra wasn't that much damage, there was not any internal injury. Which they all were thank full for. Sara kissed her forehead and smiled at Harry "Really do look like her papa isn't she?" She asked, with a smile.

"Yeah, she did when I first saw her picture I was like. Huh? Ohh boy is she your daughter? " Niall said cheekily. Laughing his infamous laugh.

"Ohh liar, I was the one who points out that first." She said, pretending to be offended. They all laugh at how stupid their friends are.

"No, Harry it was me who said that She seems so much like Zayn," Niall said again, laughing at Sara.

"You know what bitch you can go back and read the chapters again. You will see, !" She shouted and flipped her long hairs from her shoulder.

They all laugh at each other and Harry looked at all of them. He missed it. He missed his family. He missing being with them. Talking, laughing, everything they do. Now it's his family and he is not going anywhere else.

A nurse comes out of nowhere and informed them. "Mr. Malik is up!!"

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