Chapter 13

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Harry messaged all the detail to that number and waited for a few seconds to recover himself with the new news he found that the person he loves the most is happy and he is happy without him. Harry gathered himself and walked out of the house to his Destiny.

A good half an hour later Harry arrived at his destination and ordered a black coffee for himself. He took the last seat near the window. His order was served and the questions where still roaming in his mind.

Harry was in deep thoughts when someone approached him. He didn't need to look up and confirm who it is because he knows who it is by just their fragrances.

Harry didn't know how to start a conversation with him because after all this year they meet just because Harry wanted his help. Harry lifted his head with tears in his eyes.

The first thing that comes out of his mouth was a very weak whisper" Zayn.." But he frowns when he saw that he was not alone.

Harry quickly whip his tears and looked at zayn with an emotionless face.

" I want to take to you in private?" Harry said while gesturing to his girlfriend.

Zayn nod and turn to the girl beside him whom Harry thought is his girlfriend. " Jasmine, Can you give us some privacy?"

" Sure zee, I will be on the other side!!" She said and turn to the other side. Harry noticed that she was not of their age, she was younger than them.

"Why did you call me here?" zayn asked with a hope that maybe, maybe harry wanted to apologize to him.

"My daughter is missing and I need your help !!" Harry exclaimed not looking at him.

He has a daughter!! He is married!!

Zayn's heart broke just by hearing that. His heartbreak in millions of pieces. "After all these, years you called me here just because your daughter is missing?" Zayn said bitterly.

His daughter is missing that's why he called you zayn not because he loves you or wanted to do anything with you. Zayn assured himself.

Harry nods and looked up at him with hope in them but he saw hurt in zayn's eyes.

"She is your daughter why should I help you " zayn reason looking away from Harry green embraced eyes.

Because she is your daughter too

" because only you can help me " Harry answered.

"Please, please Zayn only you can help me!! You are the only one whom I know!! Please zayn I beg you!!  " Harry begged him with tears in his eyes hand clap together in a praying position.

"Ok! Ok! I will help you " Zayn melt by just looking at the love of his life.

" But remember I am doing this just because I love kids, not for you!!" Zayn confirmed.

Harry smiled a little "It's ok with me and thank you so much for helping me. I own you my life for this!!"

"So, what's her name?" Zayn asked sipping on his own vanilla latte.

"...Zayra..." Harry whispered looking down at his cup of black coffee.

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