Chapter 46

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"Zayn, do you want anything?" Harry asked from outside of the room. He was holding Zayra in his hands when he pops his head in the room.

"No, I am fine!" Zayn shouted back and made himself comfortable under the blanket, falling asleep in no time.

It's been 2 days since they bought Zayn back home from the hospital. He was doing alright, his shoulder was better, his cuts where healing and he was recovering really fast.

Everything was ok but Zayn knows that he still needs to make things clear to Harry. They haven't talked about each other till now and they still need to tell Zayra about Zayn being her baba.

Harry walked into the living room and he smiled when he saw his small yet big family of his friends making a mess. He holds Zayra in his arms "Zayra baby, see your uncle and aunt is here to see you wake up!!" He whispered and rub her back.

She opens her eyes, and looked at them but didn't say anything.  She still didn't talk much, just when she is asked anything or she is told to talk. She looked at Harry and Harry nods at her.

He puts her on the floor and she stands on her legs. They all smiled at her and Louis made the first gestures holding his hand out for her to take. She looked at Harry and then back at Louis's hand.

Harry nods and she took some hesitating steps towards him and took his hand.  He smiled at her and she smiled back at him. They all looked at them with admiring in their eyes.

Niall offers her some Candy and she took one from him but Niall pouted saying " you not going to give it to me Za!"  She gives back the only candy she had in her hand.

He smiled at her gesture but handed her all the candy he bought for her. She smiled and looked at her dada.

"Za, I told you to be polite. What do we say when someone gives us a present?" Harry asked politely, bending down to her level. She turns to Niall and mumbles a "Thank you" and it wouldn't be a lie if their heart didn't melt from her voice because it was so soft.

Then Sara walked up to her crawling on her feet with a doll in her hand "Zayra see I bought this for you. Do you like it?" She asked with a big smile on her lips. Zayra again looked at her Dada who nods at his little daughter encouragingly.

"Thank you" She again whispered. Smiling at Sara for giving her a doll.

"Huh! So, Za what do you want to do? Do you want to eat candy!" Joshua asked unwrapping chocolate candy. She looked at him with sparkles in her eyes and she was practically drooling.

They got it that's chocolate where her favorite but she didn't make a move to ask them for one. She just stands in the side holding her doll to her chest. Joshua handed her the first candy and just like that when that one candy turn in the one pack no one knows and she was on a sugar high.

She was giggling and opening up to them laughing shouting with them like normal children and most importantly coming out of her shell just like Zayn did when he first met them.

"Guys, I will take a look at Zayn yeah!" Harry informed them and walked up the stairs. Letting his friends play with his daughters. When he walked to the stairs his daughter's giggles could be heard from the whole mansion. It was like the mansion got a feeling in herself. Like mansion got alive, and in all these years, it happens for once and that's just because of there princess.

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