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After cutting the cake everyone congratulations Zayra and hands over her gifts. She happily took them, her whole face was covered in Cake, and she giggled continuously. Zayn except it to be a sugar high.

It was around midnight. So, Zayn thought it would be a perfect time for him to make an announcement. He put his hand in his suit pocket and squeeze the box in it. He made his way towards the DJ and took the mike.

"Once again Hello everyone. I know it's kinda late and maybe many people have already left but I just want your few more minutes and then you all can left and have a nice day/night. " he took a deep breath and looked at his mom Trisha. She smiled encouraging him to do what he has been waiting for. He smiled back at her.

"Well, I just wanted to share a really, soft and happy moment of my life with you guys. So, I and Harry met in a really, unpredictable way. He met when I was auditioning for X-factor and he was there to support his cousin, Alex there. " He said with a smile and suddenly the screen behind him showed their old pictures. Exactly their first picture together.

Zayn looked at Harry and Harry give him a watery smile

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Zayn looked at Harry and Harry give him a watery smile. Zayn smiled back at him and the slide showed some more pictures of them.

"Then we both grow together, we become best friends. He supported me in every step of my life. Even when my management told me to hide our relationship he didn't quit and I know he was a keeper. I didn't want to let go of them but something horrible happens to us and he falls apart but after all these years my love for him never falls apart. I still love him with my whole heart and my whole soul. I never believe in love before I met you!!" Zayn said, eye contact with Harry and started walking towards him. But stopped at a fair distance.

"But after I met you, I started believing in love, in fanatics. I tried to hide my love for you, I tried to hide it from myself. I lied that I don't love you, I tried to even believe it but I know I was just fooling myself. So, when I talked to my mom about this. That I love a boy, not a girl. She didn't freak out or disowned me as I thought instead she hugged me and said you love Harry, don't you? And I was stun because I never told you that. You just figured out yourself. I love you mom for accepting me!! " He said and blew a kiss to his mother.  His mother blew. A kiss to him too. He again started walking towards Harry and again stopped after a few steps.

"My sisters Doniya, Waliya, and Safaa. I am grateful to them for accepting me for who I am. I love you guys. " He said looking at his sisters. Then he turns to his friends.

"Liam, Louis, Niall, Sara and Joshua I am really, Thankfully of you guys too. For never leaving my side for never turning your back on me. You guys are my brothers, oh yeah!! Sara is there too. You are my sister. " everyone laughed a little " Seriously I promise that I will never turn my back on you guys. I will be there for you in your bad and you're good." They all mouthed "We are family!!"

Then he turns to Harry again, it now he was a few feet away from Harry. Harry smiled at him and showed thumbs up to him with a watery smile.

"And my love, Harry I love you. I just wanted to say that you are the best thing that ever happened to me and if anyone asks me to change, even in return of my soul.  I will never I that!! I just want to ask you!! " He said reaching Harry and holding his hand on his own.

"Will you Harry Edwards Styles give me the honor of becoming the Happiest man on Earth. Will you let me be the man who stays with you in your good in your bad. Will you give me the pleasure of waking up to your beautiful face. Will you give me the honor of changing your name Harry Edward Styles to Harry Zayn Javaad Malik? Will you Marry me?" He asked with Hopefull eyes., he was on his one knee and holding a ring box in front of Harry, who was a sobbing mess. Everyone around him was shouting for him to say yes.

"Y-yes, a million yes!!" Harry said between his sobs. Zayn smiled and slide the front up to his ring finger. Harry pulled Zayn close with his shirt and smiled in the kiss. Zayn giggle with everyone else and clapped with them.

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