Chapter 7

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Harry's bottom lip started to tremble. He was sobbing when he looked at his sister's gemma. He thought maybe, maybe she will help him in some way.

Gemma tensed shit he didn't get it!! She cursed in her mind and tried again.

" Stop crying like a baby. Zayra is not your daughter!! hurt, not safe focus!!" She whispered the last part hoping he will get it. She walks towards him and puts her hand on his shoulder feeling pity for him. "Focus," he said in his ear.

What she wants me to focus on? Then he gets it!! He didn't even mention his daughter's name to gemma while talking to her a few minutes ago then how did she know!!  Harry's eyes light up and he wipes his tears with the back of his hands.

He looks at his sister But before he could speak anything gemma cut him off. " Shut up and collect yourself. Crying like a baby!!" She said while secretively pointing at something in the hall.

Harry quietly follow her finger and saw there is a hidden camera in the hall. He gasps and realizes that's why she was talking in hints.

Luke might have threatened her to keep her mouth shut. Harry thought to himself.

"Now, I'm leaving " Gemma declared and started to walk but stop in her track and glance back at her brother one more time. "Are you not going to say goodbye and walk me to the door?" Motioning for him to walk her out.

Harry walks her to the main door. "Harry please save her !! You only have 2 months to find her ". She whispered in his ear. " See you and take care" She smiled at him and left the house.

Harry walked in and tried to joints all the points. "Gemma said I only have 2 months and luke is not here. So, I have the time to myself. From where should I start? Wait I can try inquiring from her school? Yeah!! " He mumbles to himself and took his phone to see the time and it was already 10°clock in the evening.

"Tomorrow!! I will start from tomorrow!!" He quickly walked into the kitchen to clean up the mess he made in the morning.

After a few times when he was done cleaning up the mess, he drinks some water and eats some biscuits to take his medicines. He swallows them and drifted to sleep hoping he will find something from somewhere.

The next morning Harry didn't waste his time. He quickly dresses up and drinks a cup of tea and eat a sandwich. So, have his medicines.

He walked out of the house to his truck and drive to her school as fast as he can and here he is standing in front of the angle's kindergarten.

Where his daughter uses to study.  He doesn't know what is going to happen next. Is he going to get his daughter back from that monster or not.

He walked in principle room with a very heavy heart. " Excuse me, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked him.

" I need information about a girl name zayra," Harry said hoping he will get any information from here.


What do you think what going to happen next.

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