Chapter 47

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"Harry?" Zayn asked as he felt his bed being depth. He pops his head out of his blanket and looked at Harry in the eyes. Hearing a fit of giggles from the living room.

"Is that Zayra?" Zayn asked, smiling to himself that he got to hear his daughter giggles. He wishes that it was him who makes her this happy. Harry nods and hugged Zayn, with tears in his eyes.

He knows what zayn was thinking and he wishes that he didn't have believed those fake videos. Yeah, Harry knows when Zayn wakes up from his slumber the first thing he did was talked about the video and apologizing to Harry.

But they still haven't talked about that if Zayn wants Harry back in his life or not. If he is willingly ready to accept Harry in his life or not. They still need to tell each other that they love each other. They need to remind each other that they belong to each other, and the main point if Zayn wants to accept ZAYRA in his life.

"Hey, I am ok! Everything is ok. Don't cry. Yeah?" Zayn said hugging Harry a little gently. Sipping his tears with his hand. Harry nods at him and looked into his eyes.

"I am so stupid. I shouldn't have believed those videos. I shouldn't have left like that. I am so dumb." Harry cried a bit more. Zayn shook his head and kissed his forehead.

"Hey, it's ok! Everything happens for a reason maybe it was to tell us that you " Zayn pointed his finger at Harry" belongs to me, not to anyone else." And then point at himself. "And yeah you are stupid but my stupid." He joked a little. Smiling at Harry and Harry smiled back at him.

"Zayra! We still need to tell her that you are his papa and-- wait, are you ready to accept me in your life and Zayra? Are you ready to tell the world that you have a daughter? Oh my God, I never thought about that? Are you ready to come out and tell everyone about your sexuality? And maybe you have some doubts in your mind about Zayra that if she is even your daughter or not.  I-- I am sorry but if you want to check that you can. She is your blood. I never lie about these things. " Harry panicked and started rumbling about anything but everything, standing up from the bed and walking back and forth in the room.

Zayn smiled at his lover and took his hand in his own intertwining his fingers and pulling Harry to his lap and started to answer him, looking in his eye, showing how much sincerely they hold.

"Yes, I am ready to accept you in my life. Yes, I am ready to have Zayra as my precious daughter. I may miss a few years of her life but I am not ready to miss anymore. Yes, I am ready to tell the world about you, about me, about our daughter. I don't care what they think, they do about us, as long as you stand next to me I don't care about anyone else. All I care about you and my daughter, and....... No, I don't have any doubt about that if she is my daughter or not. I know that she is because I can feel the bond I have with her." Zayn said truthfully. Smiling and looking Harry in the eyes.
He glances at his lips, and then back at his eyes.

"I love you," Zayn said before slamming his lips against Harry's. Harry smiled in the kiss and mumble an "I love you too".


I tried my best to explain it, sorry if it didn't come out as your expectations.

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